The RAC this Week (Feb 27th 2025)

Dear Parents. 

  1. Congratulations to all who came out last weekend. It was hot.

A special round of applause to Zach S. He completed two Escondido Hill Rides, trained 350 miles and is therefore our first 5th grader to qualify. Great job, Zach.  

  1. Send me your kids’ miles. 

Please add your kids’ miles if your child’s name is on the list below. If you don’t, we have to run after you, call you, email you, text you, and that is more work for us and we are all volunteers with jobs. Thank you. 

Why do we want to know? We want to help you catch up if you are falling behind. 

Please use the link   RAC 25 Miles Ridden So Far  and update as often as you like. 

E. From Dr. Bob, Bike Mechanic. 

Dr. Bob wants to remind everyone that they must have two tubes for each bike.  This goes especially for training rides where we can only carry a limited number of tubes.  You do not want to be stuck getting driven back to the start because of a tiny piece of glass.

This week Bob discusses how to power your devices during the RAC.

Power on the RAC

Our Next Rides 

Saturday, March 1 

The Escondido Hill Ride  # 3 

362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026 

Please park in the south end (green) of the LA Fitness parking lot. 

Please arrive by 7:45 am. We start promptly at 8 am. 

Some Escondido Hill Ride tips 

  • You need to complete 2 with us. We offer 6. 

  • The EHRides include three snack stops. 

  • Try to make it up the hills without stopping. Help your child pace him/herself. 

  • If you must stop on the hills 

    • stop where it’s flat-ish. 

    • make sure to move to the right 

    • stop before a curve, not in or behind a curve 

    • stop in the shade if it’s hot (won’t be a problem this week)

    • make sure your child is off the saddle when he/she stops. Please practice if that is not yet second nature. 

Thank you for reading 
