The RAC this Week (March 4th)

Dear Parents

We hope this email finds you well. 

A. Please meet our most recent RAC qualifiers. 

Leysh - Paulo - Kaitlyn - Mila - Mark - Arjun - Ryan - Elsa 

Congratulations. We are so proud of you. 

B. Send me your kids’ miles. 

Please submit miles for the kids on the list below.  RAC 25 Miles Ridden So Far 

Thank you to those parents who added them last week.


C. A message from Kate, RAC Board Director 

“It’s great to see everyone in Escondido this year for the hill climbs.  We do want to share a change with the remaining hill climbs for this season. We are finding the downhill to the Mobil station to be a bit deteriorated due to recent weather conditions.  We decided to eliminate the downhill after 1st snack and now turn around at mile 10.5.  You still must complete 2 Escondido Hill Rides, but the ride will now be shorter, only 25 miles. The route has been updated. 

Thank you. Kate.” 

While we can’t change road conditions, we can do the following 

  • Alert your child to ruts and bumps in the road. 

  • Slow down on downhills.

  • Ensure you are right in front of your child on steep downhills. Don’t get ahead. Your child will want to catch up. 

  • Make sure your child keeps his/her hands on the handlebar. No fiddling with hair. No ‘look Ma, no hands.” No switching hands because it’s fun. Consider padded gloves for your child. The only time your child should remove hands from the handlebars is to drink from the Camelback. 

E. The shorter Escondido Hill Ride version we are riding now eliminates 633 feet of steep climbing. While that sounds great, it’s not. Because we need to climb hills to prepare, we are adding casual rides between now and the RAC. They do not count towards your “ride with us once a month” requirement. No attendance. Just a friendly ride with friends. 

When? Every Tuesday at 4:30 pm, starting on 11 March.  

Start: Across from 8331 Merge Avenue in the gravel lot. Near Mesa Verde Middle School 

Why? Because we need to ride hills. 

The Route: The Wall x 4  

We ride up on the bike path to Black Mt. Rd, return to the bottom of the hill, and repeat three more times. 

7.2 miles. 633 feet climbed. Should it get dark, we can ride on the sidewalk. 

There will be no snacks, caboose, or Bob—just Christiane. I'm looking forward to seeing you next week. 

E. Fun stuff 

This is a heat map that RAC parent Bill shared. Bill’s son Paulo likes it a lot. Maybe your child would as well? Bill used the app on his Suunto watch. 

Our Next Rides 

Sunday, March 9. (Daylight savings starts.) 

The Short Escondido Hill Ride # 4

362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026 

Please park at the LA Fitness parking lot's south end (green). 

Please arrive by 7:45 am. We start promptly at 8 am. 

Some Escondido Hill Ride tips 

  • You need to complete 2 with us. We offer 6. 


  • The EHRides include two snack stops. 

  • Try to make it up the hills without stopping. Help your child pace him/herself. 

  • If you must stop on the hills 

    • Stop where it’s flat-ish. 

    • Make sure to move to the right 

    • Stop before a curve, not in or behind a curve 

    • Stop in the shade if it’s hot

    • Make sure your child is off the saddle when he/she stops. 

      • Please practice if that is not yet second nature.

    • Stay right in front of your child on downhills 

    • Instruct your child to keep hands on the handlebar. 

The RAC is next month. Just saying. 

Thank you for reading 

