Dear Parents.
Thank you for your kids’ fun tshirt contest contributions. The winner will be announced at the March 27 meeting.
Send me your kids’ miles.
The following miles are still missing.
Why do we want to know? We want to help you catch up if you are falling behind.
Please use the link RAC 25 Miles Ridden So Far and update as often as you like.
Mandatory (and last) parent meeting on Thursday, March 27 at 7 pm at Design 39.
Bring the kids.
Our Next Rides
Saturday, February 22 and Sunday Feb 23
The Escondido Hill Ride 1 + 2
362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026
Please park in the south end (green) of the LA Fitness parking lot.
Please arrive by 7:45 am. We start promptly at 8 am.
Some Escondido Hill Ride tips
You need to complete 2 with us. We offer 6.
Try to ride two back to back this weekend.
The EHRides include three snack stops
Try to make it up the hills without stopping. Help your child pace him/herself.
If you must stop on the hills
stop where it’s flat-ish.
make sure to move to the right
stop before a curve, not in or behind a curve
stop in the shade if it’s hot (won’t be a problem this week)
make sure your child is off the saddle when he/she stops. Please practice if that is not yet second nature.
Thank you for reading