The RAC this Week (March 4th)

Dear Parents

We hope this email finds you well. 

A. Please meet our most recent RAC qualifiers. 

Leysh - Paulo - Kaitlyn - Mila - Mark - Arjun - Ryan - Elsa 

Congratulations. We are so proud of you. 

B. Send me your kids’ miles. 

Please submit miles for the kids on the list below.  RAC 25 Miles Ridden So Far 

Thank you to those parents who added them last week.


C. A message from Kate, RAC Board Director 

“It’s great to see everyone in Escondido this year for the hill climbs.  We do want to share a change with the remaining hill climbs for this season. We are finding the downhill to the Mobil station to be a bit deteriorated due to recent weather conditions.  We decided to eliminate the downhill after 1st snack and now turn around at mile 10.5.  You still must complete 2 Escondido Hill Rides, but the ride will now be shorter, only 25 miles. The route has been updated. 

Thank you. Kate.” 

While we can’t change road conditions, we can do the following 

  • Alert your child to ruts and bumps in the road. 

  • Slow down on downhills.

  • Ensure you are right in front of your child on steep downhills. Don’t get ahead. Your child will want to catch up. 

  • Make sure your child keeps his/her hands on the handlebar. No fiddling with hair. No ‘look Ma, no hands.” No switching hands because it’s fun. Consider padded gloves for your child. The only time your child should remove hands from the handlebars is to drink from the Camelback. 

E. The shorter Escondido Hill Ride version we are riding now eliminates 633 feet of steep climbing. While that sounds great, it’s not. Because we need to climb hills to prepare, we are adding casual rides between now and the RAC. They do not count towards your “ride with us once a month” requirement. No attendance. Just a friendly ride with friends. 

When? Every Tuesday at 4:30 pm, starting on 11 March.  

Start: Across from 8331 Merge Avenue in the gravel lot. Near Mesa Verde Middle School 

Why? Because we need to ride hills. 

The Route: The Wall x 4  

We ride up on the bike path to Black Mt. Rd, return to the bottom of the hill, and repeat three more times. 

7.2 miles. 633 feet climbed. Should it get dark, we can ride on the sidewalk. 

There will be no snacks, caboose, or Bob—just Christiane. I'm looking forward to seeing you next week. 

E. Fun stuff 

This is a heat map that RAC parent Bill shared. Bill’s son Paulo likes it a lot. Maybe your child would as well? Bill used the app on his Suunto watch. 

Our Next Rides 

Sunday, March 9. (Daylight savings starts.) 

The Short Escondido Hill Ride # 4

362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026 

Please park at the LA Fitness parking lot's south end (green). 

Please arrive by 7:45 am. We start promptly at 8 am. 

Some Escondido Hill Ride tips 

  • You need to complete 2 with us. We offer 6. 


  • The EHRides include two snack stops. 

  • Try to make it up the hills without stopping. Help your child pace him/herself. 

  • If you must stop on the hills 

    • Stop where it’s flat-ish. 

    • Make sure to move to the right 

    • Stop before a curve, not in or behind a curve 

    • Stop in the shade if it’s hot

    • Make sure your child is off the saddle when he/she stops. 

      • Please practice if that is not yet second nature.

    • Stay right in front of your child on downhills 

    • Instruct your child to keep hands on the handlebar. 

The RAC is next month. Just saying. 

Thank you for reading 



The RAC this Week (Feb 27th 2025)

Dear Parents. 

  1. Congratulations to all who came out last weekend. It was hot.

A special round of applause to Zach S. He completed two Escondido Hill Rides, trained 350 miles and is therefore our first 5th grader to qualify. Great job, Zach.  

  1. Send me your kids’ miles. 

Please add your kids’ miles if your child’s name is on the list below. If you don’t, we have to run after you, call you, email you, text you, and that is more work for us and we are all volunteers with jobs. Thank you. 

Why do we want to know? We want to help you catch up if you are falling behind. 

Please use the link   RAC 25 Miles Ridden So Far  and update as often as you like. 

E. From Dr. Bob, Bike Mechanic. 

Dr. Bob wants to remind everyone that they must have two tubes for each bike.  This goes especially for training rides where we can only carry a limited number of tubes.  You do not want to be stuck getting driven back to the start because of a tiny piece of glass.

This week Bob discusses how to power your devices during the RAC.

Power on the RAC

Our Next Rides 

Saturday, March 1 

The Escondido Hill Ride  # 3 

362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026 

Please park in the south end (green) of the LA Fitness parking lot. 

Please arrive by 7:45 am. We start promptly at 8 am. 

Some Escondido Hill Ride tips 

  • You need to complete 2 with us. We offer 6. 

  • The EHRides include three snack stops. 

  • Try to make it up the hills without stopping. Help your child pace him/herself. 

  • If you must stop on the hills 

    • stop where it’s flat-ish. 

    • make sure to move to the right 

    • stop before a curve, not in or behind a curve 

    • stop in the shade if it’s hot (won’t be a problem this week)

    • make sure your child is off the saddle when he/she stops. Please practice if that is not yet second nature. 

Thank you for reading 


The RAC this Week (Feb 20th 2025)

Dear Parents. 

Thank you for your kids’ fun tshirt contest contributions. The winner will be announced at the March 27 meeting. 

Send me your kids’ miles. 

The following miles are still missing. 

Why do we want to know? We want to help you catch up if you are falling behind. 

Please use the link   RAC 25 Miles Ridden So Far  and update as often as you like. 

RAC 25 Miles Ridden So Far 

Mandatory (and last) parent meeting on Thursday, March 27 at 7 pm at Design 39. 

Bring the kids

Our Next Rides 

Saturday, February 22 and Sunday Feb 23  

The Escondido Hill Ride 1 + 2 

362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026 

Please park in the south end (green) of the LA Fitness parking lot. 

Please arrive by 7:45 am. We start promptly at 8 am. 

Some Escondido Hill Ride tips 

  • You need to complete 2 with us. We offer 6. 

  • Try to ride two back to back this weekend. 

  • The EHRides  include three snack stops 

  • Try to make it up the hills without stopping. Help your child pace him/herself. 

  • If you must stop on the hills 

    • stop where it’s flat-ish. 

    • make sure to move to the right 

    • stop before a curve, not in or behind a curve 

    • stop in the shade if it’s hot (won’t be a problem this week)

    • make sure your child is off the saddle when he/she stops. Please practice if that is not yet second nature. 

Thank you for reading 


Dear Parents. 

Please send me your children’s t-shirt designs by Feb 15. That’s Saturday.  Details here. 

Fundraising: Feb 13.  That’s tomorrow. The Kebab Shop on Carmel Mt Road. Flyer here 

March: Luna Grill. Date TBA 

April: El Pueblo (alumni night), Panda Express. Bonchon. Dates TBA

Send me your kids’ miles. 

Update as often as you like. 

            RAC 25 Miles Ridden So Far 

Mandatory (and last) parent meeting on Thursday, March 27 at 7 pm at Design 39. 

Bring the kids

Our Next Ride 

Saturday, Feb 15 at 9 am. 

Tritons and Witches 

Please arrive by 8:45 am. 

Mesa Verde Middle School. 8375 Entreken Way. SD 92129 

This ride is identical to last Sunday’s ride. 

Thank you for reading 



Our Facebook page 

The Ride Across California calendar. 

Power Pedal 

RAC requirements 

RAC rules 

The RAC this Week (Feb. 7th)

Dear Parents. 

Please send me your children’s t-shirt designs by Feb 15.  Details here. 

Fundraising: Feb 13. The Kebab Shop on Carmel Mt Road. Flyer here 

March: Luna Grill. Date TBA 

April: El Pueblo (alumni night), Panda Express. Bonchon. Dates TBA 

Our Next Ride 

Sunday, Feb 9 at 9: 00 am 

Tritons and Witches 

Please arrive by 8:45 am. 

Mesa Verde Middle School. 8375 Entreken Way. SD 92129 

This ride combines the UCSD Loop with the Three Witches ride and is our longest and steepest yet. Yay 

Crocs on kids on rides. Crocs are cute but not a good idea for a bike ride. Especially on hilly rides. Sunday’s ride is a hilly ride. 

Thank you for reading 



Our Facebook page 

The Ride Across California calendar. 

Power Pedal 

RAC requirements 

RAC rules 

The RAC This Week (Jan 16th)

Dear Parents. 

Fundraising news. Thank you for coming to our Chipotle Fundraiser. A great cause and “a good reason not to cook.” (Jennifer Young. RAC mom) 

Future fundraising dates 

Feb 13. The Kebab Shop on Carmel Mt Road. Flyer below and attached. 

March: Luna Grill. Date TBA 

April: El Pueblo (alumni night), Panda Express. Bonchon. Dates TBA 

RAC Parent Meeting 

Thursday, January 23 at 7 pm at Design 39 School. 

17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd, San Diego, CA 92127

Bring your questions and your kids. 

On the agenda:


The T-Shirt Design Contest Fashion Show 

and more. 

This meeting is not mandatory.  

What is the RAC T-Shirt Design Contest? 

The price includes a RAC t-shirt designed by one of our 5th graders. 

Every paying participant receives one.


Has to be designed by a 5th grader 

Limited to a certain number of colors. 

Must include “RAC” or “Ride Across California” and “2025” somewhere. 

Needs to be submitted to me by the deadline (mid-February) 

Please encourage your child to participate. It’s so great when 150 people wear your child’s design. 

This week, Dr. Bob discusses how to keep your bike running well during the RAC Keeping Your Bike Running

Our Next Ride 

Saturday, January 18 at 9 am 

The 2nd Long Mission Bay Mt Soledad Ride 

De Anza Cove Park. 3000 N Mission Bay Drive. SD 92109 

  • Please arrive by 8:45 am. 

  • Make sure you ride in front of your child on the downhill 

Thank you for reading 



Our Facebook page 

The Ride Across California calendar. 

Power Pedal 

RAC requirements 

RAC rules 

The RAC This Week (Jan. 10th)

Every riding adult is expected to read every weekly newsletter.


Dear Parents. 

Please come to our Chipotle RAC fundraiser on Jan 14 from 4 - 8 pm 

10550 Craftsman Way. SD 92127. Use code YXNEYXK or show the flyer.

Thank you for considering us.  

Kids need to wear a hydration pack. 

Where to get them: 

  • Borrow from a friend. 

  • The yellow one is currently on sale on Amazon. (No, sadly, we do not get a commission)

  • We suggest 70 oz or 40 oz capacity. (Anything bigger gets too heavy for kids) 

Make sure the vest covers the hydration pack (unless it’s yellow) 

Make sure the name is visible (and not covered by hair etc.) 

  • “But my child doesn’t like to wear it.”
    Get your child used to it by having him/her carry it around the house. 

  • “But my child doesn’t need that much water.” 

Yes, because we have been riding in chilly temps. 

The RAC is not like the training rides (You heard it here first) 

The desert is dry. We dehydrate by simply standing on the side of the road. 

We need to drink all day. Kids won’t drink if they have to find their adult and ask for a water bottle.

  1. Chase parents: Ensure the vehicle you bring on the RAC fits in a regular parking space ( 18 feet long or shorter). The two RVs that we allow have been assigned. If in doubt, contact Sabine.

  2. From Dr. Bob, Bike Mechanic 

“This weeks newsletter from Dr Bob discusses tires and what you should consider for the RAC.” 

The RAC and tires 

Our Next Ride 

Sunday, January 12 at 9 am 

The Long Mission Bay Mt Soledad Ride 

De Anza Cover Park. 3000 N Mission Bay Drive. SD 92109 

  • Please arrive by 8:45 am. 

Thank you for reading 



Our Facebook page 

The Ride Across California calendar. 

Power Pedal 

RAC requirements 

RAC rules 

The RAC This Week (Jan. 2nd)

Dear Parents. 

Thank you for coming to our chilly last ride of the year. 

The following kids attended all five December rides: 

Paulo B. | Andrew N. | Mason S. | Zachary S.

Congratulations. That is so great. 

A friendly reminder. Know the route. We try to place volunteers at each turn but can’t guarantee that. Please read From Dr. Bob. Bike Mechanic On Navigation for details. 

A message from Board President Kate 

“Happy New Year and Greetings from Kate.

We are halfway there.  I’m impressed with the amazing progress everyone is making.  I do want to remind everyone of a few important items as we continue toward the April event.

  • Always know where your child is.  We expect the parent and the child to ride together.

  • A Yellow Light means Stop.  Very important.  Yellow quickly turns to Red.

  • We pass two people at a time ONLY.  You must scan to ensure you don’t pull out in front of a car and have space to pull in after you pass.

  • The training rides will be getting longer.  Please be sure to have adequate hydration.

  • Please respect the rules and the volunteers. The Volunteers are there to help and our rules are there for everyone’s safety, the RAC riders, and our community.”

We changed the ride lineup. 

New line up 

Feb 1. Saturday. The Five Cities Ride 

Feb 9. Sunday. Tritons and Witches. 

Daters have not been changed. 

The calendar has been updated. 

The Camp Pendleton Ride has been replaced. 

Our Next Ride 

Saturday, January 4 at 9 am. 

The 2nd The In-n-Out Ride 

12791 Sorrento Valley Rd. SD 92121

  • Please arrive by 8:45 am. 

  • If parking is limited, park on Caminito Pointe Del Mar. 

  • Please allow for extra time to park. 

  • This ride is identical to last Sunday’s ride. 

This ride includes a stop and an optional burger purchase at In-n-Out in Pacific Beach. 

  • Please walk your bikes across the Coaster tracks 

  • Please walk across Genesee 

  • Please ride in front of your child on the Torrey Pines downhill. 

Happy New Year. Thank you for reading



Our Facebook page 

The Ride Across California calendar. 

Power Pedal 

RAC requirements 

RAC rules 

The RAC This Week (Dec. 26th)

Dear Parents. 

  1. A friendly reminder 

We only pass two people at a time. 

We only pass when there is room to pass 

We scan before we pass

We stay in our seats 

When you agreed to come on the RAC, you agreed to our rules. 

2. If you know maryhasalittlelamb@ please contact her. Her emails are bouncing. 

Our Next Ride 

Sunday, 29 December at 9 am. 

The In-n-Out Ride 

12791 Sorrento Valley Rd. SD 92121

  • Please arrive by 8:45 am. 

  • If parking is limited, park on Caminito Pointe Del Mar. 

  • Please allow for extra time to park. 

This ride includes a stop and an optional burger purchase at In-n-Out in Pacific Beach 

  • Please walk your bikes across the Coaster tracks 

  • Please walk across Genesee 

  • Please ride in front of your child on the Torrey Pines downhill. 

Thank you for reading 



Our Facebook page 

The Ride Across California calendar. 

Power Pedal 

RAC requirements 

RAC rules 

The RAC This Week (Dec 19th)

Dear Parents.

Thank you for coming last Saturday. We were gorgeous. Pictures by Lei and Olav  

Thank you to Sabine and Sparkles S. and Steve S. for hot chocolate and cookies 

  1. The RAC jersey sale has been extended to Dec 20, today. For details, please check the RAC website. 

  2. Our Next Ride 

Saturday, 21 December at 9 am 

Sorrento Slopes 

Upper YMCA Parking lot. 13339 Salmon River Rd. SD 92129 

Please arrive by 8:45 am. We start promptly at 9 am. 

Lots of stop signs on this route. Please remember that we alternate with cars, one at a time. Do not cross the intersection with your child. Do not wave traffic through. Do not allow motorists to wave you through. 

Thank you for reading 



Our Facebook page 

The Ride Across California calendar. 

Power Pedal 

RAC requirements 

RAC rules