The RAC this Week (12/26)


Congratulations to all who made it up Mt Soledad. 


BIKE NEWS WITH DR. BOB will return next week 


MEET THE VOLUNTEERS:  Julie Wetherell 

Our family first did the RAC in 2015, when PJ (pictures) was in 5th grade. I chased with his younger brother while my husband rode. In 2016, when brother Kevin did the ride, we split riding and chasing (he got Banner Grade, I got Plaster City). PJ continued to volunteer as a Youth Support while I did attendance. In 2022, in addition to attendance, I did snacks on the RAC while PJ rode for the last time before heading to college. I continue to do both attendance and snacks. Outside of the RAC, I am a geropsychologist in the San Diego VA, a faculty member in the Psychiatry Department at UCSD, and a proud guinea pig lover! 

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To stay balanced, you must keep moving."



  • Sunday, February 4. Bob’s Bike Clinic 

  • Tuesday, March 26. Mandatory meeting for all participants. 



Wednesday, December  27 

The Three Witches 

  • 20.6 miles. 1159 feet climbed 

  • Mesa Verde Middle School. 8375 Entreken Way. SD 92120 

  • Arrive by 8:45 am. We start promptly at 9 am. 

  • Arrive earlier to practice Power Pedal and Power Stop 

Sunday, December 31 

Sorrento Slopes 

  • 20.9 miles. 1130 feet climbed 

  • Upper YMCA parking lot. 13339 Salmon River Rd. SD 92129 

  • Arrive by 8:45 am. We start promptly at 9 am. 

  • Arrive earlier to practice Power Pedal and Power Stop 


We hope you had a lovely holiday and are looking forward to seeing you. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Malachi | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sienna | Sophie | Vishnu | 


All participants are responsible for being familiar with RAC rules, regulations

Failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program.

Bob's Bike Clinic on Sunday, Feb 4 

Mandatory RAC Meeting on Tuesday, May 26 

Send pictures for the RAC reunion to

Power Pedal and Power Stops 

Previous newsletters

RAC Calendar 

Rules of the RAC 

What to bring on training rides and what to leave at home


The RAC This Week (Dec. 20th)


We hope you are having another lovely week. 



Power on the RAC 



  • RAC Mechanic

  • RAC Board member

  • Rode the 2013 RAC with son, Tim (who went on to ride as youth support for five years)

  • Rode the 2015 RAC with daughter, Kate

  • RAC volunteer for eight years

  • Occasionally seen accompanied by little green troublemaker.



Sunday, February 4 

Bob’s Bike Clinic 

  • Bob will teach you how to clean your bike and how to make minor adjustments. 

    • If your chain crunches and throws off black chunks, you need to be there.

    • 9 - 11 am

  • 12560 Senda Panacea. SD 92129 

  • Bring your bikes, bring your kids. 

  • This shall be fun 



Four Way Stop Signs 

  • You are a car 

  • We stop individually at stop signs 

    • We take turns. Rider - car - rider - car- rider- car 

    • We take turns one rider at a time. 

    • Your child needs to cross the street by him/herself 

  • We ride predictably 

    • Do not cross in groups of two

    • Do not allow cars to waive you through when it’s their turn. 

  • Take your child for a spin, find a four-way stop sign, explain how it’s done and practice.



Saturday, December 23 

The Short Mt Soledad Ride 

  • 22.8 miles. 927 feet climbed 

  • 3000 Mission Bay Drive, San Diego 92109 

  • Arrive by 8:45 am. We start promptly at 9 am. 

  • Mission Bay 

    • Pedestrians have the right of way

    • There will be many 

    • Don’t yell “on your left” at pedestrians. It scares them

      • Alert them to your presence. “Good morning.” 

      • We might have to slow down or stop for pedestrians. 

  • Mt Soledad 

    • You will be asked to walk across two bridges. 

    • Try to make it to the top without stopping 

      • Lower gears and ‘slow and steady” are more efficient and more rewarding than ‘going fast and stopping.” 

      • If your child must stop, please stop where it’s flat-ish (near a side road or where the road levels off) 

      • Regroup and epic picture on top of the hill. 

      • The downhill 

        • Is much too short 

        • Please make sure to ride in front of your child. 

  • Today's ride ends at the exact location that the RAC ends in April. 


We are looking forward to seeing you this weekend. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Malachi | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sienna | Sophie | Vishnu | 


All participants are responsible for being familiar with RAC rules, regulations

Failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program.

Mandatory RAC Meeting on May 26 

Send pictures for the RAC reunion to

Power Pedal and Power Stops 

Previous newsletters

RAC Calendar 

Rules of the RAC 

What to bring on training rides and what to leave at home


The RAC This Week (Nov 21)


We hope you are having an enjoyable Thanksgiving week. 



Bike Lights 



Front and back. Large. First name only. This one is fabulous. Thank you  


MEET THE VOLUNTEERS:  will continue next week.



Saturday, November 25 

Coastal Fun 

  • 17.1 miles | 821 feet climbed 

  • 12791 Sorrento Valley Rd, San Diego, CA 92121

  • 8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m. 

  • Parking might be limited. Consider parking on nearby Caminito Pointe Del Mar 

  • This ride takes us along the coast and on a newish bike path in Cardiff 


We are looking forward to seeing you this weekend. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Malachi | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sienna | Sophie | Vishnu | 


All participants are responsible for being familiar with RAC rules, regulations

Repeated failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program.

Previous newsletters

RAC Calendar 

Rules of the RAC 

What to bring on training rides and what to leave at home


The RAC This Week (Nov 14)

Every riding adult is expected to read every Tuesday newsletter 


Dear Parent 

We would like to introduce you to a special RAC rider. Meet John. 

  • John is training with his grandkids Jane and Peter. 

  • Like all of you, he is riding with us at least once a month. 

  • Except that John flies in from Salt Lake City once a month to fulfill his riding requirement 

  • We applaud John’s dedication to his family and we are so impressed 



Bike Navigation 



  • Are mandatory 

  • Need to be large 

  • On the front and the back 

  • Permanent (tape falls off eventually) 

  • At least one volunteer is getting tired of reminding you.

            Help her out, people. Seriously. 



  • RAC Riders can only pass two riders at a time.  Volunteers are the only riders allowed to pass more than two riders.

  • Do not use your phone while you are riding.  This is dangerous for you and others around you.

  • When SAFETY comes first, Fun will follow.



  • 2019: Rode his first RAC with oldest daughter Grace (far right) who is now Youth Support co-leader 

  • 2020: Trained for the RAC with second oldest daughter Laurel (holding the dog) but that RAC was canceled. 

  • 2022: Rode this third RAC with youngest child Jake and because Laurel (the Covid Generation) was allowed to ride that year and because Grace was Youth Support, Joe got to ride with all of his three kids. 

  • Also pictured: Joe’s spouse Erin 

  • Joe is Youth Support leader. 

  • In his other life, he is a lawyer and also volunteers with a number of other non-profits. 



Sunday, December 3 

The Night Light Bike Ride 

15 miles | 224 feet 

2688 E Mission Bay Drive 

3:15 pm. We begin promptly at 3:30 pm 

  • Decorate your bikes with lights and join us for a glittering ride around Mission Bay 

  • Lights can be fancy (Amazon sells kits) or a simple battery-operated string of lights around your handlebars. 

  • Please make sure that every rider carries some form of light. 

    • By the time we get back to the parking lot, it will be dark. 

  • In past years, this ride has not counted towards your “one monthly ride with us” because it was too short. 

    • This year it counts because we made the ride longer. 

  • This ride is gorgeous. We will be gorgeous. Take many pictures (but not while riding). Below are some pics from previous years.  



Sunday, November 19

The 56 Bike Path 

17.5 miles | 861 feet climbed 

13339 Salmon River Rd. San Diego, 92129 

8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m. 


We are looking forward to seeing you this weekend. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Malachi | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sienna | Sophie | Vishnu | 


All participants are responsible for being familiar with RAC rules, regulations

Repeated failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program.

Previous newsletters

RAC Calendar 

Rules of the RAC 

What to bring on training rides and what to leave at home


The RAC this Week (October 10th)

Every riding adult is required to read every Tuesday Newsletter. 


Dear Parent 

Good to see so many of you on Sunday. A special welcome to Odin, Ryan, Sam, and their families. Your first ride was a warm one!



Tuesday, November 7. 7 pm. Parent meeting. Bring the kids. 

Design 39 School. MP room. Not mandatory 

Tuesday, March 26. 7 pm. Parent Meeting. Bring the kids 

Design 39 School. MP room. Mandatory 

The Escondido Hill Rides 

Sun Feb 11 | Sat Feb 17 | Sun March 3 | Sat March 9 | Sat March 16 | Sun Mar 17 | Sat Mar 23 

Two are mandatory for each rider. We offer seven. Please plan on coming more often than twice 

The RAC Calendar is now updated and final. 



Don't Ignore Frayed Cables by our very own Dr. Bob. Enjoy! 



  1. Stay in your seat 

  • Please encourage your kids to stay in their seats 

  • Standing up and sitting down (and standing up and sitting down) makes for an uneven experience for the riders behind you

  • Encourage your child to shift instead of standing and powering through. 

  • Our hills are long. This is a marathon and not a sprint, and it’s the rare 5th grader who can stand for the entire uphill. 

  • If your child stands up for momentum, check the saddle. It might be too low. 

  • The occasional standing stretch to rearrange one’s shorts is appropriate. 

  1. Power Pedal Homework 

Keep at it. What we saw last weekend was very good. 



  • We ride in a way to be a good example to all 5th graders. 

  • We support everyone, not just our own kids. 

  • We ride predictably.

  • We single file. We never ride next to each other. Tires never overlap. 

    • If you need to speak to your child, stay behind her/him and raise your voice. 

    • Or pull over. 

  • We stop at stop signs, individually, at the white line, and put our foot down. Every time. 

  • We wear vests and name tags. Front and back. Large enough for us to read 

  • We wear vests over camelbacks. Unless it's neon yellow. Then we don’t care. 

  • We never pass our front volunteer

  • We scan left before we pass other riders. 

  • We say “passing on the left” when we pass other riders. 

  • We never pass on the right. 

  • We never pass more than two people at a time. 

  • We stop on uphills only when we have to 

    • If we have to stop, we look for a shady and flat-ish spot 

    • If we have to stop, we move to the right to let others pass us 

  • We try to make it to the top of the hill

    • By using smaller gears, smaller numbers 

    • By hamstering (spinning)

  • We never pass when there is no space ahead of us. 

  • Kids stay with their parents. Parents stay with their kids.

  • We say “slowing” when we slow down and “stopping” when we are about to stop and “going” when we are going again.  

  • We are friendly to all passing motorists. 

  • We follow the advice of volunteers and Youth Support. 

  • We treat everyone with respect. 

  • We share this list with our kids. 

Safety is our 1st priority. (Fun is our 2nd) 




  • 5th grade RAC rider in 2018 

  • Youth Support volunteer since 2022 

  • Junior at Poway High 

  • On the swim team and in the Marching Band 

  • Owns a calligraphy and a baking business 

  • Rode RAGBRAI (the ride across Iowa)

  • “The RAC completely changed my life. I know that sounds totally cheesy, but it really did. It got me into the amazing lifelong sport of biking, which led me to do rides in Mexico and across Iowa 5 years later. It taught me the value of working hard to achieve my goals, and how months and months of training really pay off. I made so many friends on that trip that I’ll never forget. Life is a journey. Enjoy the bike ride.”



Saturday, October 14 

Gonzales Canyon 

13.5 miles. 752 feet 

Mesa Verde Middle School |  8375 Entreken Way, San Diego, 92129 

Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m.

Sections of Saturday’s route are on canyon trails. This ride is not a good one for skinny tires. ____________________________________________

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team 

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | Grant | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sophie | Vishnu | 


All participants are responsible for being familiar with RAC rules, regulations

Repeated failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program.



  • please inform us immediately. 

  • families on the waitlist are eager and anxious to join us on training rides.  


The RAC this Week (Oct. 3rd)


We hope you had a lovely week. 


A big thank you to 

Bill Crane and Jeff Godun

who stepped down from their positions as RAC board president and vice president. 

They led us from YMCA affiliation to non-profit status. We thank them for their many hours of work, their decision-making skills, and their calm demeanor in times of stress and mayhem. Both are staying on as volunteers and board members, and that makes us happy. Please find them on a training ride and thank them. 

Congratulations to our new board president, Kate Baculi. 

  • First RAC with daughter Ava (pictured) in 2016

  • Volunteer since 2017

  • Responsibilities

    • RAC board president |  Training ride support | Youth Support | Logistics 

    • Chase Driver | Lunch Duty | Site Liaison 

  • Married to the lovely Frans

  • Least favorite job on the RAC: cleaning clogged toilets

  • Favorite RAC moment: “When the teary-eyed fifth grader whom I helped up a steep hill in October confidently passes me on a steep hill in April.”



Power Pedal Homework 

Please keep practicing. We will ask your kids to demonstrate power pedal during training rides 



  • A seat that’s too low and a tube that’s too flat make riding much harder and potentially dangerous. 

  • Please read Seat Height and Tire Pressure written by our very own Bob. It’s good. 



  • Sometimes, like last Saturday, we cancel rides because of the weather 

    • Wet roads make for slippery surfaces and distracted motorists. 

  • We do not have a magic rain cancellation formula. We evaluate each case. 

  • We do not postpone a ride by a few hours to wait for better weather. 

    • Too many people and too many childcare arrangements are affected

  • If we cancel, you will hear from us at least 12 hours before.

  • Cancellations are sent out via email and posted on Facebook. 

  • Canceled rides will not be rescheduled. 

    • Always plan on attending at least twice a month to allow for rain cancellations. 

    • Don’t make the last ride of the month your only ride 

    • We offer at least four rides a month 



Among our required rides 

  • Safety Fun Ride 

  • One monthly ride with us 

  • 350 miles ridden before April 

are two Escondido Hill Rides.

  • We offer seven in February and March. The last two are longer 

  • Please plan on attending more than two. Rides get rained out. Kids get sick. 

Escondido Hill Rides dates are 

Sun Feb 11 | Sat Feb 17 | Sun March 3 | Sat March 9 | Sat March 16 | Sun Mar 17 | Sat Mar 23 

(The calendar will be updated shortly) 



  • please inform us immediately. 

  • families on the waitlist are eager and anxious to join us on training rides.  



Sunday | 8 September

The Hill Climb Clinic 2

13.2 miles | 730 ft 

Mesa Verde Middle School |  8375 Entreken Way, San Diego, 92129 

Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m.

  • We will teach and practice Hill Starts 

    • How to get rolling on an uphill 

  • Mastery of Power Pedal is crucial for this skill. See above. Please practice  

  • This ride includes an optional stop at Starbucks 

  • The Hill Climb Clinic is highly recommended if you are new-ish to cycling. 


Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team 

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | Grant | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sophie | Vishnu | 


Every riding adult is required to read every Tuesday Newsletter. 

All participants are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements

Repeated failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program.

Previous newsletters are on the RAC website under ‘weekly newsletters” 

Please review 

The RAC this Week (Sep. 26th)


CONGRATULATIONS to the families who got off the waitlist. 

We are so happy to have you. Welcome to the 2024 RAC 



  • please inform us immediately. 

  • families on the waitlist are eager and anxious to join us on training rides.  



Power Pedal Homework 

Please keep practicing. We will ask your kids to demonstrate power pedal during training rides 



  • One monthly training ride with us. 

    • We take attendance. Plan on coming at least twice a month.

  • Helmet and vest 

  • Name tags. 

    • First names only 

    • Label your vest with a sharpie. Or do fancy stuff 

      • Tape will fall off eventually and is insufficient in the long run

    • Front and back and large enough for us to read 

    • THIS SIZE IS GOOD. This is too small  

  • An in-person meeting in March 

  • Two Escondido Hill Rides 

    • offered in February and March. Check the calendar on the website 

    • we offer seven. 

    • please plan ahead 

  • 350 miles ridden, with or without us, before the RAC begins 



  • It’s an honor system. 

  • Track all the miles your child has ridden since September 16. 

  • Track the miles ridden with us and track the miles ridden without us 

  • In early March, we will ask you to submit your child’s current miles. 

  • We do not track parents’ miles. We know you are riding with your child. 

  • Families off the waitlist, please include the miles you have ridden since September 16h. 



Regroups are 

  • stops somewhere along the training or RAC route 

  • the front of the line waits for the back to come in.

Why are we doing that? 

  • We are a group. 

  • We are not a race 

  • We are friendly and like to spend time with each other. 

What do we do while we regroup? 

We introduce ourselves to the riders and kids near us

  • So, where do you go to school? 

  • How about them Padres?

  • Do you want to see my Power Pedal? 

We RAC volunteers pride ourselves on having created a friendly, welcoming environment 

Please help us in that mission by including everyone. 

What if I need to get home early because I have more activities planned in the afternoon? 

  • Please don’t make any plans that interfere with the RAC. 

    • For you to get credit for a ride, you need to complete it with us. 



  • Invoices for payment were sent out on Sunday from

  • Please check your spam folders if you cannot locate the invoice 

  • We offer scholarships and deferred payment. If interested, or if you have any other financial questions, please contact Olav Schroeder directly. 



  • On Thursday, April 11, we spend the night in Wynola where the nights are often cold. 

  • You have the option to book a hotel room or Airbnb in Wynola or nearby Julian. 

  • If you choose a hotel in Julian, please provide your own transportation to the hotel. 

  • You always have the option to camp in Wynola or sleep inside the MP room of our overnight stay, the Spencer Valley School. 



  • We do not expect you to buy fancy bikes and all the gadgets on the market. 

  • We do recommend padded bike shorts. 

    • Regular shorts have seams that rub in all the wrong places. 

  • For discounts at bike stores, please check the website or online  

    • The Baleaf brand is not too expensive 

  • Ask your friends and neighbors for bike shorts their kids have outgrown. 

  • Ask on the Facebook page. 

  • Padded bike shorts should be worn without underwear. Really? Really. 



Q: If my child is busy but I am not, can I attend a training ride without my child? 

A: Absolutely. 

Q: My partner is chase driving. Can he also ride part of the RAC?

A: Yes, if 

  • you and your partner take turns riding and chasing. 

  • you and your partner both complete all the mandatory stuff

    • 350 miles ridden 

    • Safety Fun 

    • 2 Escondido Hill Rides 

    • March Meeting 

  • you let Sabine Schroeder know at 

Q: Can my partner and I both ride with our child? We don’t want to chase. 

A: No. Every child brings one riding parent. 

A second parent would have to chase. 

Or take turns riding. See above. 

Q: My partner is not coming to the RAC. Can she come to training rides? 

A: No. We only allow registered riders. 



Our Annual Meeting and Election is tonight Tuesday, September 26, at 7 p.m. on Zoom. 




Saturday | 30 September 

The Hill Climb Clinic 

13.2 miles | 730 ft 

Mesa Verde Middle School |  8375 Entreken Way, San Diego, 92129 

Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m.

  • We will teach and practice Hill Starts 

    • How to get rolling on an uphill 

  • Mastery of Power Pedal is crucial for this skill. See above. Please practice  

  • This ride includes an optional stop at Starbucks 

  • The Hill Climb Clinic is highly recommended if you are new-ish to cycling. 

  • We offer one more Hill Climb Clinic on October 8. 


A shout-out to everyone and to Tejh in particular for your hard work last weekend. 

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team 

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | Grant | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sophie | Vishnu | 


All participants are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements

Repeated failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program.

The riding parent is required to read every Tuesday Newsletter. 

Previous newsletters are on the RAC website under ‘weekly newsletters” 

Future training rides:

Please review 

The RAC this Week (Sep 19th)

Dear parents 

Thank you for coming last weekend. It was nice meeting you. 


Please practice Power Pedal with your child. 

  • One foot on the ground. One foot on the pedal, at a 2 o’clock or 10 o’clock position 

  • The kids should NOT sit on their seats. 

    • Why not? 

      • Because it slows them down when they get going 

    • Why is it important that they get going fast? 

      • Because we need to get through stop signs quickly 

    • Why is it so important we move quickly? 

      • Because we stop individually, one by one, foot down, all the way at the white or yellow line. That takes a while 

    • Why do we stop individually? 

      • Because if we cross two or three or four at a time, we are not riding predictably to motorists and other riders. They will have to guess the size of the next group crossing the line. They will not focus on traffic. We ride predictably. 


  • Starting in October, one monthly training ride with us is mandatory. We take attendance. A Safety Fun ridden in October counts. 

    • Please plan on coming at least twice a month. 


updated RULES OF THE RAC (new stuff)

  • We ride in a way to be a good example to all 5th graders. 

  • We support everyone, not just our own kids. 

  • We ride predictably.

  • We single file. We never ride next to each other. Tires never overlap. 

    • If you need to speak to your child, stay behind her/him and raise your voice. 

    • Or pull over. 

  • We stop at stop signs, individually, and put our foot down. Every time. 

  • We wear vests and name tags 

  • We never pass our front volunteer

  • We scan left before we pass other riders. 

  • We say “passing on the left” when we pass other riders. 

  • We never pass on the right. 

  • We never pass more than two people at a time. 

  • We never pass when there is no space for us to merge into after the pass

  • Kids stay with their parents. Parents stay with their kids.

  • We say “slowing” when we slow down and “stopping” when we are about to stop and “going” when we are going again.  

  • We are friendly to all passing motorists. 

  • We follow the advice of volunteers and Youth Support. 

  • We treat everyone with respect. 

  • We share this list with our kids. 

Safety is our 1st priority. (Fun is our 2nd) 


MEET THE VOLUNTEERS                  

     Bill Crane

          RAC Board President 

  • Training and RAC ride support

  • Chase support 

  • Site liaison support

  • Everywhere support 

  • Problem solver 

  • Luggage van and water truck driver 

  • Rode the 2015 RAC with daughter Lauren 

  • Rode the 2018 RAC with daughter Kendall 

  • Life-long San Diegan 

  • Married to the lovely Kristen 

  • “Happy to be transitioning to a new position in the organization.”      


The RAC’s Annual Meeting and Election is this coming Tuesday, September 26, at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Please join us. 



Saturday | 23 September 

Safety Fun 3 + Park Village Escape Route 

9.1 miles | 670 feet 

Mesa Verde Middle School |  8375 Entreken Way, San Diego, 92129 

Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m.

Sunday, | 24 September 

Safety Fun 4 + Long Duck Pond 

13.2 miles | 752 feet 

13339 Salmon River Road | SD 92129 

Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m.

We offer two more Safety Fun rides. One is mandatory. We take attendance. 

The Safety Fun portion of these rides is identical. 

If you are new to cycling, come to as many Safety Fun Rides as you can. 


Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. 

Your friendly RAC volunteer team 

Adults: Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sophie | Vishnu | 


The riding parent is required to read every Tuesday Newsletter. 

You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements

Repeated failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program. Future training rides can be found here:


Every participant every time 

  • wears a helmet. Chin straps should fit snugly 

  • wears a safety neon yellow vest (or another approved safety garment), large enough to fit over sweaters 

  • wears name tags. Front and back. Large. 

  • brings water and a small snack. (Your child needs to carry his/her own water) 

  • brings bike tubes that fit your bike and your child’s bike. (Not sure what to buy? Ask us)  

  • arrives by 8:45 a.m. to unload the bikes, sign in with attendance, etc. 

Not allowed 

  • anything in your ears (but wax and hearing aids) 

  • any electronic device on your child’s handlebars 

  • unregistered family members or family members that are registered as chase (rider support). 

The RAC This Week (Sept. 12th)

Dear parents 

Welcome to the 2024 RAC. We are so happy you made the lottery. 

The Tuesday Newsletter (this is the first one) provides you with info about 

  • upcoming rides 

  • upcoming events 

  • upcoming miscellaneous stuff. 

  • upcoming fun 

The riding parent is required to read every Tuesday Newsletter (even in weeks you are not riding with us). 


The Website

Click on and Rides. 

            Click on the ride you want (for instance, Safety Fun 1) and under Description on 

Click Ride With GPS Link For Route And More Details,

Here you will find the route map, interactive elevation slide (run your cursor from left to right below the red), total mileage, and total number of feet climbed. 


Training Ride Info 

Every participant every time 

  • wears a helmet. Chin straps should fit snugly 

  • wears a safety neon yellow vest (or another approved safety garment), large enough to fit over sweaters 

  • wears name tags. Front and back. Large. 

  • brings water and a small snack. (Your child needs to carry his/her own water) 

  • brings bike tubes that fit your bike and your child’s bike. (Not sure what to buy? Asks us)  

  • arrives by  8:45 a.m. to unload the bikes, sign in with attendance, etc. 

Not allowed 

  • anything in your ears (but wax) 

  • any electronic device on your child’s handlebars 

  • unregistered family members or family members that are registered as chase (rider support). 

  • Starting in October, one monthly training ride with us is mandatory. We take attendance. 

    • Please plan on coming at least twice a month. Things happen. 

      • Rides are canceled because of weather. 

      • Grandma comes to visit 


RAC Rules of the Road.  (Partial list) 

  • We ride in a way to be a good example to all 5th graders. 

  • We support everyone, not just our own kids. 

  • We ride predictably.

  • We single file. We never ride next to each other. Tires never overlap. 

  • We stop at stop signs, individually, and put our foot down. Every time. 

  • We wear vests and name tags 

  • We never pass our front volunteer

  • We are friendly to all passing motorists. 

  • We follow the advice of volunteers and Youth Support. 

  • We treat everyone with respect. 

  • We share this list with our kids. 

Safety is our #1 priority. | Repeated failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program. 


Rides this weekend. 

Saturday | 16 September 

Safety Fun 1 

Start: Mesa Verde Middle School |  8375 Entreken Way, San Diego, 92129 

Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m.

Sunday, | 17 September 

Safety Fun 2 and Circle Ride 

Start: 12560 Senda Panacea, SD 92129. Please park in the neighborhood. 

Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m.

We offer four Safety Fun rides. One is mandatory. We take attendance. 

The Safety Fun portion of these four rides is identical. 

If you are new to cycling, come to as many Safety Fun Rides as you can. 


Welcome again. We are looking forward to seeing you this week. 

Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Your friendly RAC volunteer team 


It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with rules and regulations of the RAC. 

The RAC next Week

Dear Parents


Hard to believe that the RAC starts on Monday.


Some information before we leave.


  1. Would you like to sleep in a bed on your first night of the RAC?

Cyndi at Gold Rock Ranch has two RVs that she will rent for $125 each.

If you are interested, please contact her at


  1. College student and former RAC participant Kevin He would like to film a documentary about the RAC. We are excited about the idea, and we need your consent if you would like to participate. Please take a moment to read this document.

You do not need to bring this form. We will provide you with copies to sign.


  1. This is your last chance to sign up for dinner on Day 6.

○      Day 6 - Campground and Dinner Attendance (

●      We ask that every family completes this form

●      If we don’t hear from you, we assume you are going home.


  1. Lists

○      The RAC | All Seven Days  updated Day 6

○      The RAC | A Typical Day

○      The RAC | What to Bring and What to Leave at Home


  1. There is construction on the I-8 in Alpine.

Consider leaving a little early on Monday morning.




Our next ride

Monday, April 10 to Sunday, April 16

The Ride Across California. 


RAC 23 | Day 1  Colorado River to Gold Rock Ranch

RAC 23 | Day 2  Gold Rock Ranch to Pine School

RAC 23 | Day 3  Pine School to Ocotillo Community Center.

RAC 23 | Day 4  Ocotillo Community Center to Vallecito State Park

RAC 23 | Day 5  Vallecito State Park to Spencer Valley School

RAC 23 | Day 6  Spencer Valley School to Escondido Girls Scouts Center

RAC 23 | Day 7  Escondido Girls Scout Center to Mission Bay Park


We are looking forward to a fabulous week with you.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis
