Dear Parents

Next week will be a warm one.

  1. Temperatures will be in the high 90s.

Here are some tips for riding in hot weather.

●      drink fluids on your way to Yuma

●      arrive with plenty of liquids

○      put ice in your water bottles before you leave home

■      please remember that we do not provide any water or Gatorade or ice at the river

●      wear light-colored clothing

●      bring plenty of sunscreen

●      stand in the shade whenever possible

●      consider bringing cooling towels (available in sporting goods stores and online)

○      wet your towels with water before you leave home and at chase stations

○      please use as little water as possible as we have finite amounts

○      we cannot provide ice to freeze towels overnight or to cool them down during the day.

●      drink small amounts of liquids every 5 - 10 minutes.

○      alternate water and Gatorade

●      bring a small snack

For your kids to drink that often, they need a hydration pack.

●      They need to drink often.

●      They need to drink without having to stop.

○      The more they stop, the longer their day gets, and then the winds pick up.

○      Standing in the heat is harder than riding in the heat.

■      As long as they are moving, they are their own little swamp cooler. 

●      They need to drink while they ride.

●      Your child might not sweat. Your child might not feel thirsty.

●      Some of our kids still don’t have hydration packs.

○      If you need one, we have one to give away (ask me) and one to loan out for the week (ask Bill).

  1. Extra Fun.

We will encounter a sand pit on day one, mile 1.5.

●      Most of us don’t have the tires to ride this stretch, so most of us will walk.

●      The sand pit will be hot.

●      There is little shade.

●      Your child needs to drink lots of fluids during this time from his/her hydration back.

●      We do not provide liquids until mile 3 when you reach the paved road.

●      Please make sure that your child has easy access to liquids and drinks often.

  1. What dehydration looks like

Headaches, tiredness, dizziness, weakness, dry mouth, flushed skin….

Dehydration. Causes and Symptoms from the Cleveland Clinic

  1. Personal Story

            When my son was in 6th grade, on a hot day, he rode the RAC with his buddies, far away from his diligent mom … the rules were different then …  He keeled over without a word, fell into a ditch, and lay there motionlessly. Until he was revived by volunteers and parents.…. He was dehydrated and hadn’t even noticed. (He is fine now. Thank you for asking)

  1. Our Motto: Drink before you are thirsty. Eat before you are hungry.

The email containing the route and information about the documentary will go out on Friday

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you for reading.


Dear Parents 

As of today, the following kids have qualified for the RAC 

Hunter A | Darren C | Mason G | Dash H | Seiji I | Jacqueline J | Cloe K | Julia L | Yilong L | Alex N | Tagon N | Alex N | Amber O | Sophia O | Marco P | Luca | Tejas P | Jerry R | Allison T Tommy Z       

Congratulations. This is so great. We are so proud of you. 

We need miles for the following children.

Ethan B | Farrah F| Angela H | Vedant K |Neil L |Silas L | Pearl M | Jayce R|Jeremy W | Preston W | Kellan W | Laurene Y | 

Please record the miles here.

Youth Support parents, please submit your kid’s miles. 


The last night on the RAC 

  • We will spend our last night (Saturday to Sunday) at the Girl Scouts Escondido Program Center. Inside Kit Carson Park. 3050 Las Palmas Ave, Escondido, CA 92025

  • This location is close to our homes. Many families arrange for a pickup and spend the night at home. 

  • Those who stay will camp and have dinner and breakfast with us. 

  • At this point, please indicate your preference for the last night. 

  • We ask that every family completes this form by Wednesday, April 5 

  • If we don’t hear from you by April 5, we assume you are going home. 




Our next rides

Saturday, April 1, and Sunday, April 2 

The Escondido Hill Rides

LA Fitness | 362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026

8 am. Please arrive no later than 7:45 am 

Two EHRIdes are mandatory. 

Please plan on coming to more than two. We offer seven. 

Rides get rained out. 

Kindly park in the green area. 

The Escondido Hill Ride      Please read if this is your first one. 


Misc. fun stuff. 

  1. Please tune up your bike before the RAC. 

Check out Bob’s Bike inspection checklist

  1. The RAC’s Venmo account. Olav Schroeder@rideacrosscalifornia.


Upcoming dates 

  1. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39 

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us

  1. Sandag’s Bike Anywhere Day (formerly known as “Bike to Work Day”) 

Thursday, May 18th. The RAC has its own pit stop. We will keep you posted. 


Our next fundraisers:                    

  1. Tuesday, April 4 | Fresco Pizzeria | 13350 Camino Del Sur | 3 - 8 pm  

  1. Tuesday, May 9 | Chipotle Carmel Mountain | 11134 Rancho Carmel Drive | SD 92128 online order code  NCL636B  | or show this chipotle flier in the restaurant 

Thank you for considering us. Thank you for attending our past events. 


Expect next week’s newsletter on Friday, April 7. 


Thank you for reading. Remember the tubes. 

Your friendly RAC volunteer team 

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis 


You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. 

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters. 

The RAX this Week (March 21st)

Dear Parents


As of Sunday evening, the following kids have qualified for the RAC


Dash H | Cloe K | Yilong L | Alex N       This is so great


The following kids have completed two Escondido Hill Climbs:

Sebastian E | Mason G | Rex H | Jeremy K | Neil L | Raymond L | Amber O | Sophia O | Marco P | Luca P | Jerry R | Lucas T | Allison T | Christopher W | Jeremy W | Michael X | Laurene Y


Kellan W has completed all three Escondido Hill Rides.

Congratulations, everyone.


Please update your child’s miles here.



Please read the “What to bring and what to leave at home” list carefully. Let us know if you have any questions.

                        The RAC | What to Bring and What to Leave at Home


Last week’s lists


○      The RAC | All Seven Days   please notice updated information on Day 6

○      The RAC | A Typical Day



Because you asked:


  1. What happens when we need help on the RAC and we are all by alone on the road

    1. Sabine and Bob will drive the route all day, back and forth. They will find you.

    2. Volunteers or fellow riders will alert Sabine or Bob to come and help you.

    3. The nearest chase car is a few miles in front of you or a few miles behind you.


  1. What do we do with our bikes when we have to ‘go to the bathroom’ in the wilderness?

●      Leave it by the side of the road.

●       That way, the caboose will not pass you and we know where you are.

○      We have never had a bike stolen during the RAC.




Our next rides

Saturday, March 25, and Sunday, March 26 

The Escondido Hill Rides

LA Fitness | 362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026

8 am. Please arrive no later than 7:45 am

Two Escondido Hill Rides  are mandatory.

Please plan on coming to more than two. We offer seven.

Rides get rained out.

The Escondido Hill Ride      Please read if this is your first one.



Misc. fun stuff.

  1. Please make sure that your bike is tuned up before the RAC.

●      Bob's Bike Tune-Up Details | Please contact Bob directly at

Bob requests that you deliver your bike to him before you embark on your last Escondido Hill Ride. His tune-up shop will close after March 31. 

Check out Bob’s Bike inspection checklist

●      Local bike shops that offer discounts


  1. The RAC’s Venmo account. Olav Schroeder@rideacrosscalifornia.


Upcoming dates

1.     RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us

2.     Sandag’s Bike Anywhere Day (formerly known as “Bike to Work Day”)

Thursday, May 18th. The RAC has its own pit stop. We will keep you posted.


Our next fundraisers:                    


1.     Tuesday, April 4 | Fresco Pizzeria | 13350 Camino Del Sur | Time TBA

2.     Tuesday, May 9 | Chipotle Carmel Mountain | 11134 Rancho Carmel Drive | SD 92128 online order code  NCL636B  | or show this chipotle flier in the restaurant


Thank you for considering us. Thank you for attending our past events.


Thank you for reading. Remember the tubes.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (March 14th)

Dear Parents


Last Sunday, as Dennis was riding up Mobil Hill 1 (our first uphill and steepest of the day) he noticed that not a single rider (except for one flat tire) was stopping. Everyone made it to the top without breaks. That is astounding. That does not happen often. Congratulations. Your training has paid off.




Jaqueline J

completed all February rides. Yay, Jaqueline.



A few friendly reminders


  1. The mandatory training rides with us are teaching your child and you how to ride in a group of 100+ people. One important issue of group riding is passing on uphills.

○      Kids overestimate their speed. They are slower than they think. They pass when they shouldn’t, and then a car comes honking from behind. That is not safe. And will stress out all riders.

○      Therefore, do not allow your child to pass more than two people at a time. With only two people to pass, your child has time to merge back into the line.

○      Make sure there is room for your child and you to merge back into the line after you pass two people.

○      If the long line in front of you is not your speed and you have to slow down, just be patient, and stay with them.

○      What we can do to help: Start with your pack. Start with a group that matches your speed. Starting at your speed minimizes passing.


  1. Parents. Do not carry water for your child.

 Your child needs to carry his/her own water. Your child needs to have easy access to his/her water (hydration backpack) because your child will have to drink pretty much all day long. Our training rides don’t compare to the RAC. They have been unusually cool. Desert conditions are different. Out in the desert, we dehydrate by simply standing in the parking lot. We dehydrate because it’s windy. We dehydrate before we even ride. Your child needs to carry his/her water now. He/she needs to get used to the weight of a hydration pack now. We are not kidding about riding conditions in the desert. It really is the desert!!!  We are still seeing parents carrying their kids’ water, and that has us worried.


  1. Hydration packs are best. If you use water bottles, you will need two (one for water, one for Gatorade). There are days on the RAC when you need two water bottles between chase cars. Our training rides do not compare to the RAC


Our mandatory meeting is this

Thursday, March 16th, at 7 pm at Design 39 School.

17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd, San Diego, CA 92127

We will take attendance. We really want to see you. Please bring the kids.


On the Agenda

●      General RAC info

○      Your RAC bike bag. What you should carry on your bike each day.

○      Your RAC luggage. What is acceptable and what is not and why we might leave your stuff in the parking lot.

●      Youth Support information

●      Payment information

●      Chase information

●      The not altogether serious RAC quiz for 5th graders. It’s a hoot.

●      The Grand T-shirt Contest Winner Reveal

●      Q&A. Please read these pages first. They will answer many of your questions.

○      The RAC | All Seven Days

○      The RAC | A Typical Day

●      Inspirations and Reflections by Dennis.

●      and a “how to fix a flat tire” demonstration by Bob.

○      Bring your front tire. Or bring your entire bike.

○      (If you know how to fix a flat, you are welcome to skip this last part)



Because you asked:


  1. How do we get to Yuma?

○      You ask a family member to drop you off

○      You rent a van, drop it off at the Yuma airport, and Uber back to the start.

○      You get together with other RAC parents and hire a van and a driver.


  1. How do we get from Spencer Valley School (where the ride ends on day 5) to our hotel in Julian?

Contact a chase driver or volunteer ahead of time and ask for a ride up the hill (and back down in the morning.) 

            Your bike stays at Spencer Valley School.


  1. When will you share the official RAC route?

After we drive the route the week before the RAC. We want to make sure all roads are where they should be.


  1. Will there be coffee in the mornings?

Yes. And you are not the only one who asked.



Our last night on the RAC. 

We will spend our last night in Escondido, which is so close to where we live that many riders opt to catch a ride home that night. In our next newsletter, we will ask for your preference. If you decide to go home, you would have dinner at home and breakfast at home. And you (clean and happy) would meet up with us (not clean, but still happy) in the morning. Please read “The RAC | All Seven Days” for more information.


Vegetarian meals

            Also in our next newsletter, we will have a sign-up sheet for those who prefer vegetarian food. You will receive a special wristband for the duration of the RAC.




Our next rides

Saturday, March 18, and Sunday, March 19 

The Escondido Hill Rides

LA Fitness | 362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026

8 am. Please arrive no later than 7:45 am

Two EHRIdes are mandatory.

Please plan on coming to more than two. We offer eight

Rides get rained out.

The EHRides come with their own set of horror stories. But fear not…

●     RAC alumni exaggerate terribly. Volunteers are worse.

●     You (and the few years before you) are much better trained than previous groups were. In earlier RAC days, two EHrides were the ONLY mandatory rides. 


On the Escondido Hill Rides, we get to practice all those great skills we have learned.

●      We want to minimize passing because bike lanes are narrow and traffic is fast. Bike lanes are narrow and traffic is fast.

○      That means, start with the heap that rides your speed. If you typically ride in the middle of the pack, start in the middle. If you typically end up in the front, start in the front. Starting with the heap that is your speed minimizes passing.

○      Please do not allow your kids to pass more than two people at a time.

○      If it’s safe to pass, make sure there is room for you and your child to merge back into the line.

○      Avoid passing on steep uphills. Kids underestimate their speed, a car comes up behind them, and there is no space to merge.

○      Scan and tell your kids to scan.

●      Do not ride on the white line that divides the road from the bike lane

●     A low gear, ‘slow and steady’ is more effective and ultimately faster than “rush and stop.”

●     Try to ride hills without stopping. Getting started on a hill takes a lot of energy.

●     If you must stop on a hill

○      Stop where the road is flat-ish and not steep-ish.

○      Move to the right so that those behind you can pass easily.

○      Don’t stop in the middle of a curve where the road banks and getting back on is harder.

○      Don’t stop right behind a curve. Cars can’t see you.

○      Stop before a curve, in the shade, if it’s hot.

○      When you stop, don’t climb off your bike; simply straddle it, scoot to the right, catch your breath, have a sip of water, then keep going.

○      Make hill stops short (30 seconds)

●     Often, kids want to start back up when they see other riders come up behind them.  They want to get in front of that group, and they often underestimate the time it takes to get on your bike on a steep hill. Let the group pass. Don’t struggle on your bike as another group is about to pass you.

●     Kids may not walk their bikes. “But I can push my bike faster than I can ride it.”  Not the point. Walking their bikes will not train their muscles.

●     Make sure your child is comfortable drinking without stopping.

●     Do not carry your children’s water.  If they are not comfortable with a heavy camelback, have them practice carrying it around the house during the week.

●     If you typically give your kids a push to get them started on hills, stop that now.  Practice quick start during the week.  You cannot push start your kid all the way up the Escondido Hills or across the RAC, for that matter.

●     Make sure your child stays in his/her seat and shifts.

●     Make sure your child sheds clothing that has become too warm BEFORE and not on a hill.

●     Volunteers will help you past the tunnel (a freeway offramp near mile 28.) Follow volunteer instructions.

●     Ride two back-to-back!

●     Ride all of them! The child who rides all will receive a little prize.

●     Please don’t wait until the last minute.  Kids get sick.  Rides get rained out.

●     Volunteers will provide snacks during two snack breaks.



●       Please keep updating the miles chart

●      Please add Youth Support miles.

RAC 23 | Miles ridden so far




Misc. fun stuff.


  1. Please make sure that your bike is tuned up before the RAC.

●      Bob's Bike Tune-Up Details | Please contact Bob directly at

Bob requests that you deliver your bike to him before you embark on your last Escondido Hill Ride.

Check out Bob’s Bike inspection checklist

●      Local bike shops that offer discounts


  1. The RAC’s Venmo account. Olav Schroeder@rideacrosscalifornia.


Upcoming dates

RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us


Our next fundraisers:                    


1.     Tuesday, April 4 | Fresco Pizzeria | 13350 Camino Del Sur | Time TBA

2.     Tuesday, May 9 | Chipotle Carmel Mountain | 11134 Rancho Carmel Drive | SD 92128 online order code  NCL636B  | or show this chipotle flier in the restaurant


Thank you for considering us. Thank you for attending our past events.


Thank you for reading. Remember the tubes.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (March 5th)

Dear Parents


Thank you for coming to last Saturday’s Bike Cleaning Clinic, and thank you to Bob for teaching us.




Our next rides

Saturday, March 11, and Sunday, March 12 | Daylight Saving begins March 12

The Escondido Hill Rides

LA Fitness | 362 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92026

8 am. Please arrive no later than 7:45 am

The EHRides come with their own set of horror stories. But fear not…

●     RAC alumni exaggerate terribly. Volunteers are worse.

●     You (and the few years before you) are much better trained than previous groups were. In earlier RAC days, two EHrides were the ONLY mandatory rides. 


On the Escondido Hill Rides, we get to practice all those great skills we have learned.

●      We want to minimize passing because bike lanes are narrow and traffic is fast. Bike lanes are narrow and traffic is fast.

○      That means, start with the heap that rides your speed. If you typically ride in the middle of the pack, start in the middle. If you typically end up in the front, start in the front. Starting with the heap that is your speed minimizes passing.

○      Please do not allow your kids to pass more than two people at a time.

○      If it’s safe to pass, make sure there is room for you and your child to merge back into the line.

○      Avoid passing on steep uphills. Kids underestimate their speed, a car comes up behind them, and there is no space to merge.

○      Scan and tell your kids to scan.

●      Do not ride on the white line that divides the road from the bike lane

●     A low gear, ‘slow and steady’ is more effective and ultimately faster than “rush and stop.”

●     Try to ride hills without stopping. Getting started on a hill takes a lot of energy.

●     If you must stop on a hill

○      Stop where the road is flat-ish and not steep-ish.

○      Move to the right so that those behind you can pass easily.

○      Don’t stop in the middle of a curve where the road banks and getting back on is harder.

○      Don’t stop right behind a curve. Cars can’t see you.

○      Stop before a curve, in the shade, if it’s hot.

○      When you stop, don’t climb off your bike; simply straddle it, scoot to the right, catch your breath, then keep going.

○      Make hill stops short (30 seconds)

●     Often, kids want to start back up when they see other riders come up behind them.  They want to get in front of that group, and they often underestimate the time it takes to get on your bike on a steep hill. Let the group pass. Don’t struggle on your bike as another group is about to pass you.

●     Kids may not walk their bikes. “But I can push my bike faster than I can ride it.”  Not the point. Walking their bikes will not train their muscles.

●     Make sure your child is comfortable drinking without stopping.

●     Do not carry your children’s water.  If they are not comfortable with a heavy camelback, have them practice carrying it around the house during the week.

●     If you typically give your kids a push to get them started on hills, stop that now.  Practice quick start during the week.  You cannot push start your kid all the way up the Escondido Hills or across the RAC, for that matter.

●     Make sure your child stays in his/her seat and shifts.

●     Make sure your child sheds clothing that has become too warm BEFORE and not on a hill.

●     Volunteers will help you past the tunnel (a freeway offramp near mile 28.) Follow volunteer instructions.

●     You must complete two Escondido Hill Rides with us.  We offer eight.  Plan accordingly.

●     Ride two back-to-back!

●     Ride all of them!

●     Please don’t wait until the last minute.  Kids get sick.  Rides get rained out.

●     Volunteers will provide snacks during two snack breaks.


 Please record the miles your child has ridden so far. It’s great fun to see how the numbers go up.

RAC 23 | Miles ridden so far


Misc. fun stuff.

  1. Please make sure that your bike is tuned up before the RAC.

●      Bob's Bike Tune-Up Details | Please contact Bob directly at

Bob requests that you deliver your bike to him before you embark on your last Escondido Hill Ride.

Check out Bob’s Bike inspection checklist

●      Local bike shops that offer discounts


  1. The RAC’s Venmo account. Olav Schroeder@rideacrosscalifornia.


Upcoming dates

  1. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39

  2. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us


Our next fundraisers:                    

  1. Thursday, March 9 | Panda Express | online orders only at

online order code 912973 | Panda Express Flier. This order code can be used nationwide.

  1. Tuesday, April 4 | Fresco Pizzeria | 13350 Camino Del Sur | Time TBA

  2. Tuesday, May 9 | Chipotle Carmel Mountain | 11134 Rancho Carmel Drive | SD 92128 online order code  NCL636B  | or show this chipotle flier in the restaurant


Thank you for considering us. Thank you for attending our past events.


Thank you for reading. Remember the tubes.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (Feb. 28th)

Dear Parents 


Dirty bike? Rusty chain? We can help. 

Please join us for our 

Clean Up Clinic 

and we’ll show you how to clean your bike. It will make all the difference. 

Saturday, March 4 from 9 - 11 pm. 

12560 Senda Panacea, SD 92129 

Bring your bikes and bring the kids. Coffee and snacks will be served. 


Sunday, March 5 at 9 am. Please arrive by 8:45 

Tritons and Witches 

Mesa Verde Middle School. 8375 Entreken Way. SD 92129 

This ride combines the UCSD Loop with the Three Witches ride and is our longest and steepest yet. Yay 


The Escondido Hill Rides 

begin on March 11.

We offer eight; you need to complete two. 

Attend as many as you like. 

The child who completes all eight will receive a little prize. 


Misc. fun stuff. 

  1. Please make sure that your bike is tuned up before the RAC. 

Bob requests that you deliver your bike to him before you embark on your last Escondido Hill Ride. 

  1. The RAC’s Venmo account. Olav Schroeder@rideacrosscalifornia.


Upcoming dates 

  1. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39 

  2. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39 

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us


Our next fundraisers:                    

  1. Thursday, March 9 | Panda Express | online orders only at

online order code 912973 | Panda Express Flier 

  1. Tuesday, April 4 | Fresco Pizzeria | 13350 Camino Del Sur | Time TBA

  2. Tuesday, May 9 | Chipotle Carmel Mountain | 11134 Rancho Carmel Drive | SD 92128 online order code  NCL636B  | or show this chipotle flier in the restaurant 

Thank you for considering us. Thank you for attending our past events. 


Thank you for reading. Remember the tubes. 

Your friendly RAC volunteer team 

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis 


You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. 

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (Feb 14th)

Dear Parents


Congratulations to all who made it up Mt Soledad last Saturday. You are awesome.


Thank you for coming, and thank you to volunteers Sabine and Kate for the popsicles.



The T-Shirt Contest Dead Line is on February 15th. That is tomorrow.

Here are the RAC T-shirt design contest guidelines.

Submit to Christiane via email or in person.

Please encourage your child to participate. 



Four friendly reminders.

  1. Please follow our instructions, even when these instructions seem unreasonable. When we ask you to walk the bridge, we are not suggesting you are not capable of riding it. We are suggesting that the 5th grader behind you will want to ride the bridge because s/he sees you riding the bridge, and 5th graders, in the past, have fallen off the high sidewalk at Saturday’s bridge. Thank you for your cooperation.

  2. Please bring two extra tubes per bike. Why?


← This is why. Please bring two tubes per bike to any training ride. The owner of this flat tire was lucky because he was close to the parking lot. If you have a flat and don’t bring tubes, you might walk to the car because volunteers might not carry your size.

A flat without extra tubes on the RAC might be the end of the ride for you. Bob is concerned. So, let’s all bring our two extra tubes per bike and show them to Bob next Sunday.

Need help deciding which size tube to buy?

Look for numbers on the side wall of your tire.


  1. Please arrive 15 minutes early. If you don’t, you miss the oh-so-significant announcements. Announcements are always about safety. Safety is most important to us, so please make sure to arrive 15 minutes before the start of each ride.

  2. In order for a ride to count as your ‘once-a-month ride with us,’ you need to finish the ride with us.



Our next ride starts at 7:15 am. That is not a typo.


Sunday, Feb 19

The Five Cities Ride

Harbor Island Park. 1875 Harbor Island. SD 92101

          is one of our most scenic rides.

Five cities, the longest-running business in San Diego County, parks, yachts, construction sites, a military base, factories, and mansions.


This ride includes a ferry ride from Coronado to San Diego

Ferry tickets cost $7 per person. Bikes are free.

Purchasing ferry tickets:

●      Buy Ferry Tickets online

●      with your credit card at the dockside ticket machine (which doesn’t always work)

●      with exact cash on the ferry.

●      The ferry leaves every hour on the half hour.

●      We don’t all have to catch the same ferry.

●      Harbor Island is a 30-minute drive from PQ.


More existing stuff.


  1. Please make sure that your bike is tuned up before the RAC.

Bob's Bike Tune-Up Details | Please contact Bob directly at

Local bike shops that offer discounts


  1. From Olav, our treasurer: The 3rd installment invoices went out and are due on February 15th.


  1. We now have a Venmo account: @rideacrosscalifornia.


Upcoming dates

  1. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39

  2. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us


Our next fundraisers:                    

  1. Thursday, March 9 | Panda Express | online orders only at

online order code 912973 | Panda Express Flier

  1. Tuesday, April 4 | Fresco Pizzeria | 13350 Camino Del Sur | Time TBA

  2. Tuesday, May 9 | Chipotle Carmel Mountain | 11134 Rancho Carmel Drive | SD 92128 online order code  NCL636B  | or show this chipotle flier in the restaurant


Thank you for considering us. Thank you for attending our past events.


Thank you for reading. Remember the tubes.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (Feb. 9th)

Dear Parents


Congratulations to

Julia L.

Tagon N.

Tejas P.

Ria S.


who attended all four rides in January. Way to go!



Looming in the immediate future is the T-shirt design contest deadline.

 February 15.

Here are the RAC T-shirt design contest guidelines.

Submit to Christiane via email or in person.

Please encourage your child to participate. 



Our next ride

Saturday, Feb 11 at 9 am

The Long Mt Soledad Ride

De Anza Cove Park 3000 N Mission Bay Dr San Diego, CA 92109

We cycle around Mission Bay and climb up to Mt Soledad where we enjoy the views and take a group picture with the cross.



Bob's Bike Tune-Up Details | Please contact Bob directly at


From Olav, our treasurer: The 3rd installment invoices went out and are due on February 15th.


Upcoming dates

  1. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39

  2. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us


Our next fundraisers:                    

  1. Thursday, March 9 | Panda Express | online orders only at

online order code 912973 | Panda Express Flier

  1. Tuesday, April 4 | Fresco Pizzeria | 13350 Camino Del Sur | Time TBA

  2. Tuesday, May 9 | Chipotle Carmel Mountain | 11134 Rancho Carmel Drive | SD 92128 online order code  NCL636B  | or show this chipotle flier in the restaurant

Thank you for considering us. Thank you for attending our past events.


Thank you for reading.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (Feb. 2nd)

Dear Parents


A big thank you to Cycle Quest for hosting us last Saturday.

Your snacks and kindnesses are very much appreciated. Year after year.

Parents, Click here for a coupon.


Our next ride

Sunday, Feb 5 at 9 am

The Del Mar Dirt Ride

Mesa Verde Middle School | 8375 Entreken | SD 92129

…includes part of the “Coast to Crest” trail, on packed dirt.

Please leave skinny road bike tires at home.


Bob's Bike Tune-Up Details | Please contact Bob directly at


The deadline for the T-shirt design contest has been moved up to February 15.

Here are the RAC T-shirt design contest guidelines.

Submit to Christiane via email or in person.

Please encourage your child to participate. 


From Olav, our treasurer: The 3rd installment invoices went out and are due on February 15th.


Upcoming dates

  1. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39

  2. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us


Two friendly reminders:

  1. Please single file. Even on the bike path. Even if you are a (now very embarrassed) volunteer.

  2. When one of our riders fell on Saturday, many of you stopped to help. That is so great. We thank you for your kindness; that’s what the RAC is all about. Please make sure we don’t block the bike path when we attend to a rider.


Our next fundraisers:

  1. Tuesday, February 7 | Fresh Brothers Pizza from 11 am - 9 pm.

13490 Pacific Highlands Ranch Pkwy | SD 92130  

online order code: FUND | Fresh Brothers Flier                       

  1. Thursday, March 9 | Panda Express | online orders only at

                            online order code 912973

  1. Tuesday, April 4 | Fresco Pizzeria | 13350 Camino Del Sur | Time TBA


  1. Tuesday, May 9 | Chipotle Carmel Mountain | 11134 Rancho Carmel Drive | SD 92128 online order code  NCL636B  | or show this chipotle flier in the restaurant

Thank you for considering us.


Question: How do we deal with fluctuating temperatures on a typical RAC day?

Answer: You wear layers and shed them as the day warms up.

Example: The Wynola morning is often very cold. Wear sweatpants, sweaters (under your vest, or course), scarves, and gloves. Within one hour, you will not need all these items anymore. Leave your extra layers in chase cars as you pass them. Make sure you label your clothes. Retrieve your items at the end of the day.

For more information on ‘what to bring during the day’, attend the mandatory March 16 meeting. 


Thank you for reading.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (Jan 24th)

Dear Parents


Saturday’s line of riders

Sunday’s group from Allison to Zander

Fun times. Thank you for coming.


If you missed Sunday’s pre-ride announcements.

●      Do not allow your child to speed up when another rider is passing her/him.

●      By speeding up, your child has now made it harder for the passing rider to merge back into the line of cyclists.

●      Speeding up while being passed is extremely unsafe.

●      If you see this behavior, please let us know.



Four friendly reminders


1.     Please bring two tubes per bike. Why? Ask Bob or Sumant. :)

2.     Do not carry your child’s water.

○      Your kids need to carry their own water.

○      They need to drink while they are riding.

○      A hydration pack is the best option

○      Get them used to a hydration back now.

○      Hydration on the RAC is different from hydration in San Diego.

○      On the RAC, you won’t sweat. The air is that dry.

○      You dehydrate just standing around.

○      You won’t feel that you need to drink, but you have to

○      “Drink before you are thirsty” is the rule

○      Your children need to drink all the time, all day long.

○      For your children to drink all day long, it has to be easy for them.

○      Stopping, getting off the bike, digging the water out of the parent’s backpack, putting the bottle back, putting vests back on …  is annoying …. and makes the day longer

○      We want you in camp as soon as possible because often the winds pick up in the late afternoons.

○      We would like to avoid the winds if we can.

3.     Stay seated while riding. Do not stand up.

○      Standing up is often a sign that your child’s seat needs to be raised

○      We want your child to practice shifting, especially on uphills.  Standing might make sense on short hills, but we are practicing for long hills. The Banner Grade is six miles long.

○      Your standing up makes it very hard for people to ride behind you.

○      (A quick stand-up to stretch or to rearrange one’s underwear is perfectly acceptable.)

4.     You need to ride with your child.

The faster rider waits for the slower one.


Bob's Bike Tune-Up Details | Please contact Bob directly at


The deadline for the T-shirt design contest has been moved up to February 15.

Here are the RAC T-shirt design contest guidelines

Please encourage your child to participate.


For an additional 40% off the Columbia Sportswear Company employee store pricing,  Click here


Our next ride.

Saturday, Jan 28 at 9 am

The In 'n Out Ride

Sorrento Valley Park And Ride | 12791 Sorrento Valley Rd | San Diego 92121


This ride includes an optional snack stop at In n Out and is very popular with the kids.


Upcoming dates

  1. The RAC meeting on Feb 2 has been canceled.

  2. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39

  3. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us



Fun list of alternative bike part names the kids came up with during Saturday’s regroup: 

bike = “Watch me go”

brakes = stoppers

chain = the linky dinky

chain wheel = big circle

derailleur = small spinner

fame = triangle thingy

fork = not the spoon

handlebars = grippers

pedals = foot pushers

saddle= butt rest

saddle bag = butt rest storage

shifters = pressy buttons

tube = the endless straw

wheel = spinning pies


Our next fundraiser: Fresh Brothers Pizza Carmel Valley on Tuesday, February 7. Exact time TBA


Thank you for reading.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (Jan. 18th)

Dear Parents


Last weekend’s canceled ride will be offered on

Saturday, Jan 21 at 9 am

The Three Witches Ride

Mesa Verde Elementary School | Entreken Way | San Diego 92129


We are also riding on

Sunday, Jan 22 at 9 am

The Mira Mesa 56 Loop

Upper YMCA parking Lot | 13339 Salmon River Rd | San Diego 92129


Come to both. It will be fun. The weather should be great.



Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.