The RAC This Week (Nov 14)

Every riding adult is expected to read every Tuesday newsletter 


Dear Parent 

We would like to introduce you to a special RAC rider. Meet John. 

  • John is training with his grandkids Jane and Peter. 

  • Like all of you, he is riding with us at least once a month. 

  • Except that John flies in from Salt Lake City once a month to fulfill his riding requirement 

  • We applaud John’s dedication to his family and we are so impressed 



Bike Navigation 



  • Are mandatory 

  • Need to be large 

  • On the front and the back 

  • Permanent (tape falls off eventually) 

  • At least one volunteer is getting tired of reminding you.

            Help her out, people. Seriously. 



  • RAC Riders can only pass two riders at a time.  Volunteers are the only riders allowed to pass more than two riders.

  • Do not use your phone while you are riding.  This is dangerous for you and others around you.

  • When SAFETY comes first, Fun will follow.



  • 2019: Rode his first RAC with oldest daughter Grace (far right) who is now Youth Support co-leader 

  • 2020: Trained for the RAC with second oldest daughter Laurel (holding the dog) but that RAC was canceled. 

  • 2022: Rode this third RAC with youngest child Jake and because Laurel (the Covid Generation) was allowed to ride that year and because Grace was Youth Support, Joe got to ride with all of his three kids. 

  • Also pictured: Joe’s spouse Erin 

  • Joe is Youth Support leader. 

  • In his other life, he is a lawyer and also volunteers with a number of other non-profits. 



Sunday, December 3 

The Night Light Bike Ride 

15 miles | 224 feet 

2688 E Mission Bay Drive 

3:15 pm. We begin promptly at 3:30 pm 

  • Decorate your bikes with lights and join us for a glittering ride around Mission Bay 

  • Lights can be fancy (Amazon sells kits) or a simple battery-operated string of lights around your handlebars. 

  • Please make sure that every rider carries some form of light. 

    • By the time we get back to the parking lot, it will be dark. 

  • In past years, this ride has not counted towards your “one monthly ride with us” because it was too short. 

    • This year it counts because we made the ride longer. 

  • This ride is gorgeous. We will be gorgeous. Take many pictures (but not while riding). Below are some pics from previous years.  



Sunday, November 19

The 56 Bike Path 

17.5 miles | 861 feet climbed 

13339 Salmon River Rd. San Diego, 92129 

8:45 a.m. We start promptly at 9 a.m. 


We are looking forward to seeing you this weekend. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joe | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Olav |  Phil | Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis Bueker 

Youth Support: Annika | Bryce | Caroline | Evan | Grace | | Jadon | Kendall | Kiki | Malachi | Michael | Nikhil | Nolan | Olive | Ryan | Sadhika | Sawyer | Sienna | Sophie | Vishnu | 


All participants are responsible for being familiar with RAC rules, regulations

Repeated failure to follow RAC rules will result in your family's removal from the program.

Previous newsletters

RAC Calendar 

Rules of the RAC 

What to bring on training rides and what to leave at home
