The RAC this Week (Jan 11th)

Dear Parents


A recap of last week’s RAC meeting, because some of you asked.



●      Unless you plan on future camping trips, borrow from friends. Don’t buy. Good camping gear is expensive.

●      Practice setting up your tent before the trip

●      For a list of camping items we will not accept on the RAC, please attend the mandatory March meeting.

Youth Support:

●      We cannot promise Youth Support or Volunteers at every corner.

●      We often place Youth Support in groups of two, for their safety, which means we might be short.

●      Makes sure you know the route (on ridewithgps, in this newsletter|on the website)

●      If in doubt, wait. You will never be the last rider. There is always a volunteer behind you.

Bob’s Bike Tune-up

●      Please contact Bob directly:

T-Shirt Design context

●      Included in the price of the RAC is a T-shirt for every participant (child, parent, chase child, chase parent, volunteer, Youth Support).

●      Your 5th grader may submit a design and the volunteer committee will vote anonymously.

●      The winner will be announced at the March 16 meeting.

Guidelines and tips

●      The design must be submitted to Christiane by March 1.

●      It needs to include “Ride Across California” or “RAC.”

●      It needs to include “2023”.

●      Do not add your child’s name to the design.

●      Please limit the number of colors.

○      The exact number of colors has not been determined yet.

○      We’ll let you know asap.

      The design that wins is typically

●      hand-drawn (and not computer-generated)

●      bold (and not fine, detailed, intricate)

●      a design that was clearly done by a 5th grader (and not a parent)


●      You will receive the t-shirt on the RAC. We wear it for our group picture.

●      Please encourage your child to participate.

It is great fun for the winning child to see her/his design on a few hundred people in a group picture (and around town for decades to come).


Q&A | Where do we charge our phones?

            Volunteers will bring power strips

            We also recommend power banks.


Q&A | Are there bathrooms along the road?

            Not always

●      The campgrounds have bathrooms or portable toilets.

●      During the day, you will often have to use the great outdoors and those can be traumatizing for kids.

●      Here are some educational websites

●      A Woman's Guide to Peeing outside.

●      How to teach your kids to do 'their business" in the woods


RAC training is hard.   Presentation by RAC volunteers

○      Sometimes it looks as if other parents and other kids are breezing through training rides.

○      Not so. Training rides are hard for most of us.

○      Many volunteers had never undertaken an athletic endeavor close to this scope before we began training for our first RAC.

○      We often wondered if we could make it. And when we made it, somehow, we were so proud of ourselves. We want that sense of pride for you.

○      Please reach out to us if you need encouragement. We can help you. We have been where you are.


That said…congratulations to all who came to last Sunday’s ride. That was a tough one!



Our next ride.

Saturday, Jan 14 at 9 am

The Three Witches Ride

Mesa Verde Elementary School | Entreken Way | San Diego 92129

might get rained out again.


Should we have to cancel, we will notify you by 9 pm the night before via email and Facebook.


Why we don’t ride in the rain.

●      Wet participants are not our main concern. (Sorry)

●      Reduced visibility and slippery roads are.

○      And we all know how San Diegans drive in the rain.

Why we don’t reschedule rides that we canceled.

●      Parents and volunteers block their calendars months in advance

●      Rescheduling rides on relatively short notice becomes stressful.

What do we do when it rains on the RAC in April?

●      If roads are safe, we ride in the rain.

●      If roads are unsafe, we cancel the ride for the day, arrange to go home that night, meet up again the next day at that day’s starting point, and complete the stretch that we skipped a week or two later.

●      Rain on the RAC typically happens in Julian or Ramona or Rancho Bernardo: getting a ride home from those areas is not too difficult.

●      Rain on the RAC is rare.

●      Should you not be able to attend our makeup ride, you still receive full credit for completing the RAC.


Please don’t walk up steep hills

Why not?

●      You don’t get stronger if you walk, even if walking is faster now.

●      The Banner Grade on the RAC is six miles long. We need to ride it.

●      Read below for what to do if you feel you need to walk a hill. 


What to do when you are ‘done.’

●      Stop where it’s flat (top of the hill, at a side street).

○      Starting back up will be so much easier.

●      Step out of the way of riders behind you.

●      Catch your breath.

●      Drink a few sips of water.

●      Check your gears.

○      Is your chain in the very lowest gear?

■      Largest chain ring in the back. Smallest in the front

●      These breaks should be short. 30 seconds. Stay straddled on your bike.

When you are ready to ride again

●      Start where it’s flat-ish.

●      Slow down.

○      Slow and steady is the mantra

○      Fast and furious wastes energy.

○      Get your mind off the agony.

■      Count to 8. Repeat.

■      Sing in your head.

●      “The Wheels on the Bus go round and round….”

●      “Why are there so many… songs about rainbows?”

●      “Freude schöner Götterfunken. Tochter aus Elysium.”

●      You get the point. The choice is yours.

●      Find a pace that YOU can maintain. Don’t compare yourself with others.

●      Don’t worry about being last.

○      “The heroes are born in the back.” Dennis Bueker

That is true for parents and not just for kids.



●      Rides are tougher now. Bring plenty of water.

●      Bring one 20 oz bottle of water per hour you are riding

●      For some training rides, we have water for refills. But for some rides we don’t. Be prepared

●      Consider sports drinks.

○      We typically don’t push sugary drinks, but our training rides are now “strenuous exercise.”

○      Check out this article by Harvard’s Public Health. Sports Drinks

●      Children need to carry their own water supply.

○      Most children do best with a hydration backpack.

○      They will not want to stop to ask you for water out of your backpack.

●      Exhaustion is often dehydration.

●      “Drink before you are thirsty. Eat before you are hungry.”


Saddle height

●      If you have been told your or your child’s saddle is too low, please adjust it. We will help you.

●      A low saddle means you are working harder than you have to (because your leg is not extended).

●      We don’t want you to work harder than you have to.

●      If your child resists a higher saddle because her/his feet can’t reach the ground, please teach your child ‘how to stop and how to start’. We will help you.


Single File. Again. Yay.

Please single file. Even on the bike path


●      If you ride next to your child or friend, another parent will want to do that.

●      If parents ride next to their child or friend, kids will want to do that.

●      We have found in 30+ years of RAC experience that 5th graders are not always great decision-makers. Yet

○      We want them to focus on the road, the people in front of them, cars behind them, riders up, riders back, slowing, stopping….

○      They have a lot to think about.

○      They do not need more to think about.

○      They should never have to make the decision “is this a good place to ride next to my friend or not.”

●      We cannot stress enough how concerned we are about your child’s safety.


Upcoming dates

  1. The RAC meeting on Feb 2 has been canceled.

  2. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39

  3. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us


Thank you for coming to the Panera Bread RAC fundraiser.


This newsletter got long. Sorry. Thanks for reading.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (Jan. 4th)

Dear Parents


Happy New Year. We wish you health and happiness and hope your roof does not leak.


Our next ride.

Sunday, Jan 8 at 9 am

Le Tour de French Oven

13339 Salmon River Road. San Diego 92129


16.9 miles | 1340 feet climbed

Our rides are getting steeper.

●      While it’s our goal to make it up a hill without stopping, sometimes stopping is inevitable.

●      And often, when kids stop suddenly, they fall over.

○      A reminder: the correct sequence for stopping:

■      Scan

■      Break and slow down

■      Stand up

■      Lower one foot to the ground

■      Stop

Do not attempt to stop while seated

a)     if you can do this effortlessly, chances are your saddle is too low

b)    if your child is pivoting on the seat while trying to reach the ground, they might fall


Would you like to practice? Come a few minutes early on Sunday and we’ll practice with you.


This ride includes a stop at the French Oven Bakery where you have the option to buy a snack.




During December, we were lenient with attendance because of the holidays, people traveling, and two rides were canceled. That was then. Now is now. Please plan on attending at least twice a month. Kids get sick, rides are canceled, grandma visits unexpectedly.

Please do not get behind. Riding once a month is not enough.


From Bob, our Bike Mechanic

It’s a new year and time to start thinking about getting your bikes ready for the RAC.  We highly recommend that you get your bikes tuned up between now and the RAC.  At the latest, you should have it done a few weeks before the RAC.  This is so that any problems not completely solved by the tuneup can be addressed in time.  You can take your bike to a local bike shop or, if you know how, you can do it yourself.  If you are going to do your own tuneup, make sure to pay attention to the items in the following list.  These are the most common problem areas we see on RAC bicycles.


1.     Clean and lube the drive train (chain, gears, derailleurs).

2.     Adjust derailleurs and brakes.

3.     Make sure the ends of the brake and derailleur cables are not frayed and are properly capped.

4.     Make sure your tires have good tread.

5.     Check crank and head set for damage, wear and lateral movement.

6.     Make sure wheels are in good condition and true.

7.     Make sure brake pads have plenty of life left.

8.     Check chain wear

This year, we are pleased to announce that our bike mechanic, Bob, is offering to perform tune-ups on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The cost of the tune-up will be parts and a donation.  If you are interested, please contact Bob at  We thank Bob for his generous offer.


Please mark the dates

Thursday, Jan 5 at 7 pm

RAC Meeting

Design 39 School | 17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd. San Diego 92127

Topics include

●      Camping

○      What to bring

○      How to set up a tent

●      RAC T-Shirt fashion show and competition guidelines

●      Payments

●      Bob’s Tune-up Service | details

●      Simon says

●      Youth Support

●      Q&A

Bring the kids. It shall be fun.

This meeting is not mandatory but highly recommended.


Other dates

  1. The RAC meeting on Feb 2 has been canceled.

  2. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39

  3. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39: Food, pictures, certificates


Our next RAC fundraiser will take place on Jan 10 at the Pacific Highland Ranch Panera Bread.


See you this weekend.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.

You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.

The RAC this Week (Dec. 29th)

Dear Parents


We hope you all had wonderful holidays and got to ride your bikes a lot.



Our next ride.

Saturday, December 31 at 9 am

The Short Mt Soledad Ride

South Shores Park Dr. San Diego 92109

is one of our most memorable rides.

●      A fun loop around (flat) Mission Bay,

●      A 900+ feet climb up to Mt Soledad

●      An iconic group picture

●      An epic 900+ feet downhill to Mission Bay.

●      and for the rest of her/his life, your child will point to the Mt Soledad Cross from anywhere in the city and announce that “I rode my bike up there when I was in 5th grade.” Crowds will hush in admiration.

Currently, the weather forecast for Saturday is iffy.  Should we have to cancel, you will receive an email on or before 9 pm the night before.


Should Saturday’s ride be canceled or should you be unable to attend, please make sure you and your child ride on your own. Your private routes should be of similar length and similar feet climbed as our planned group rides. If you keep training on the same easy routes (a mistake at least one volunteer made during her first RAC season), you and your child will be immensely frustrated with later rides as they become harder and steeper, and the RAC itself might be more miserable than it needs to be. We don’t want that.


Please mark the dates

Thursday, Jan 5 at 7 pm

RAC Meeting

Design 39 School | 17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd. San Diego 92127

Topics include

●      Camping

○      What to bring

○      How to set up a tent

●      RAC T-Shirt fashion show and competition guidelines

●      Payments

●      Simon says

●      Q&A

Bring the kids.

This meeting is not mandatory but highly recommended.


Other dates

  1. The RAC meeting on Feb 2 has been canceled.

  2. There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39

Topics include

●      The RAC Route

●      What to pack

●      What to leave at home and why we are so strict about it

●      The (not altogether serious) RAC Quiz

●      Announcement of T-Shirt design contest winner

●      Payments

●      Q&A

  1. RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39

Food, pictures, certificates



Our next RAC fundraiser will take place on Jan 10 at the Pacific Highland Ranch Panera Bread.


See you this weekend.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. Please forward this newsletter.

The RAC this Week (Dec. 22nd)

Dear Parents


Happy Holidays and welcome to


our next ride.

Monday, December 26 at 9 am.

The San Luis Rey River Trail Ride

Via Manos, Oceanside, CA 92057

The parking lot at this location is small. Via Manos is a private road and parking is not permitted.

Please consider parking a mile down the road at Guajome Regional Park. 3000 Guajome Lake Road, Oceanside CA 92057. A volunteer will ride with you the one mile to the trailhead. Please arrive a little early. Parking at this location costs $3.

We will stop at Oceanside Harbor Village for a short break where you may buy a snack or hot chocolate, if you wish.


Make sure you bring name tags. They are mandatory. __________________________________________________________

Our next RAC fundraiser will take place on Jan 10 at the Pacific Highland Ranch Panera Bread.


Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. Please forward this newsletter.


RAC Jerseys are now available for purchase

They are not required.

They run small.

Especially kids’ sizes should be ordered one size up

Future training ride dates are on the calendar on

●      And here RAC 22|23 training rides

 Homework: “power pedal” with your child.

○      Pedal at 10 or 2 o’clock.

○      Don’t start on the seat. Don’t stop on the  seat

Arrive at t 8:45 am

●      You need to unload and check your bike, check helmets, sign in etc.

●      You will be asked to read and sign the RAC Agreement Form

○      if you have not done so already

●      Always bring

○      helmet

○      water (your child should carry her/his own)

○      a snack

○      a vest with a name tag .

Train with your child

●      The parent training with the child must be the person accompanying the child on the RAC.

●      The parent accompanying the child on the RAC must be the person training with the child.

●      A parent may not interrupt training for a few months and send the child with someone else during those months.

●      All riding parents and children must complete the requirements.

○      350 miles trained between September and April 10

○      At least one monthly training ride with us

■      including : One Safety Fun

●            Two Escondido Hill Rides (next year)


Splitting riding and chasing: If parents are taking turns riding and chasing, both parents must complete all RAC requirements.


Name tags

are mandatory. Starting in December, riders will not be allowed to leave the parking lot without a name tag.  Please arrive with name tags, front and back.



Only pass when it is safe to do so.

Don’t pass more than two people at a time.

Don’t pass when you are ahead of sharp turns

Don’t pass when there are people coming towards you on the bike path.

And please wear a name tag so that we can identify you and can talk to you privately and not have to put this comment in a newsletter.

You need to ride with your child.

            You shouldn’t be ½ mile in front or behind your child.

            You should always be within eyesight of each other.

The RAC this Week (Dec. 14th)

Dear Parents


Thank you for participating in last week’s Night Ride Bike Ride. We were beautiful.

And we are proud of all the younger siblings who rode 10 miles around the bay. 

A big thank you to Volunteer Sabine for the hot chocolate and cookies. 



Our next ride

Saturday, December 17 at 9 a.m.

The Carmel Country Hill Ride

Mesa Verde Middle 8375 Entreken Way, San Diego, CA 92129

On Saturday morning, the 56 bike path is closed for an event until 10 am. By the time we arrive on the bike path, it will be reopened. Some roads in PQ might be closed. Please plan accordingly.

Make sure you bring name tags


A big thank you to those who supported the RAC by visiting Pizza Rev last week. Our next RAC fundraiser will take place on Jan 10 at the Pacific Highland Ranch Panera Bread.


From RAC volunteer and discount expert Jeff. BikeOnline has a big bicycle sale. It ends today.



Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. Please forward this newsletter.


RAC Jerseys are now available for purchase

They are not required.

They run small.

Especially kids’ sizes should be ordered one size up

Future training ride dates are on the calendar on

●      And here RAC 22|23 training rides

 Homework: “power pedal” with your child.

○      Pedal at 10 or 2 o’clock.

○      Don’t start on the seat. Don’t stop on the  seat

Arrive at t 8:45 am

●      You need to unload and check your bike, check helmets, sign in etc.

●      You will be asked to read and sign the RAC Agreement Form

○      if you have not done so already

●      Always bring

○      helmet

○      water (your child should carry her/his own)

○      a snack

○      a vest with a name tag .

Train with your child

●      The parent training with the child must be the person accompanying the child on the RAC.

●      The parent accompanying the child on the RAC must be the person training with the child.

●      A parent may not interrupt training for a few months and send the child with someone else during those months.

●      All riding parents and children must complete the requirements.

○      350 miles trained between September and April 10

○      At least one monthly training ride with us

■      including : One Safety Fun

●            Two Escondido Hill Rides (next year)


Splitting riding and chasing: If parents are taking turns riding and chasing, both parents must complete all RAC requirements.


Name tags

are mandatory. Starting in December, riders will not be allowed to leave the parking lot without a name tag.  Please arrive with name tags, front and back.



Only pass when it is safe to do so.

Don’t pass more than two people at a time.

Don’t pass when you are ahead of sharp turns

Don’t pass when there are people coming towards you on the bike path.

And please wear a name tag so that we can identify you and can talk to you privately and not have to put this comment in a newsletter.

You need to ride with your child.

            You shouldn’t be ½ mile in front or behind your child.

            You should always be within eyesight of each other.

The RAC this Week (Dec. 7th)

Dear Parents


Thank you for participating in last week’s Night Ride Bike Ride. We were beautiful.

And we are proud of all the younger siblings who rode 10 miles around the bay. 

A big thank you to Volunteer Sabine for the hot chocolate and cookies. 



Our next ride

Sunday, December 11 at 9 a.m.

Coastal Fun

Sorrento Valley Park And Ride | 12791 Sorrento Valley Rd | San Diego 92121

Make sure you bring name tags

We might get rained out on Sunday. In that case, we will cancel the ride.

Should we decide to cancel the ride,  you will receive an email and a post on Facebook by 9 pm the night before.

Should we have to cancel, and should Sunday’s ride be the only ride you are able to attend in December, we will not hold your absence against you. We strongly urge you to come to any of the other rides offered this month.


Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. Please forward this newsletter.


RAC Jerseys are now available for purchase

They are not required.

They run small.

Especially kids’ sizes should be ordered one size up

Future training ride dates are on the calendar on

●      And here RAC 22|23 training rides

 Homework: “power pedal” with your child.

○      Pedal at 10 or 2 o’clock.

○      Don’t start on the seat. Don’t stop on the  seat

Arrive at t 8:45 am

●      You need to unload and check your bike, check helmets, sign in etc.

●      You will be asked to read and sign the RAC Agreement Form

○      if you have not done so already

●      Always bring

○      helmet

○      water (your child should carry her/his own)

○      a snack

○      a vest with a name tag .

Train with your child

●      The parent training with the child must be the person accompanying the child on the RAC.

●      The parent accompanying the child on the RAC must be the person training with the child.

●      A parent may not interrupt training for a few months and send the child with someone else during those months.

●      All riding parents and children must complete the requirements.

○      350 miles trained between September and April 10

○      At least one monthly training ride with us

■      including : One Safety Fun

●            Two Escondido Hill Rides (next year)


Splitting riding and chasing: If parents are taking turns riding and chasing, both parents must complete all RAC requirements.


Name tags

are mandatory. Starting in December, riders will not be allowed to leave the parking lot without a name tag.  Please arrive with name tags, front and back.



Only pass when it is safe to do so.

Don’t pass more than two people at a time.

Don’t pass when you are ahead of sharp turns

Don’t pass when there are people coming towards you on the bike path.

And please wear a name tag so that we can identify you and can talk to you privately and not have to put this comment in a newsletter.

You need to ride with your child.

            You shouldn’t be ½ mile in front or behind your child.

            You should always be within eyesight of each other.

The RAC this Week (Nov. 29)

Dear Parents


Congratulations to

             Rex           Marco                Alex


for attending all five training rides in November. Great job



Please ride every weekend (and then some)

The RAC is designed with the assumption that you and your child ride at least once every week, Twice is better.  Get out there every chance you get.


Many of you ride the official training routes on your own, and we applaud that.

Please consider time of day and traffic patterns when you ride on your own.

            Example: The 4SRanch Loop is pleasant on a weekend morning.

            Traffic is much heavier on a weekday afternoon when schools get out



Name tags

are mandatory. Starting in December, riders will not be allowed to leave the parking lot without a name tags.  Please arrive with name tags, front and back.



Only pass when it is safe to do so.

Don’t pass more than two people ata time.

Don’t pass when you are ahead of sharp turns

Don’t pass when there are people coming towards you on the bike path.

And please wear a name tag so that we can identify you and so that that we can talk to you privately and not have to put this comment in a newsletter.


You need to ride with your child.

            You shouldn’t be ½ mile in front or behind your child.

            You should always be within eye sight of each other.



Saturday, December 3 at 4 pm 

The Night Light Bike Ride

South Shores Park S Shores Park Dr San Diego, CA 92109

●      This is our prettiest right.

●      Please arrive at 3:45 pm

●      Please decorate your bikes with lights.

●      Then we ride around Mission Bay in the dark.

●      Then we drink hot chocolate.

●      This ride does not count as a mandatory monthly ride

○      It is too easy at this point.

●      Possible light sources:

○      Battery operated holiday lights | Glow sticks | Bike light kits

○      For really cool inspirational pictures from previous years., click here

○      Everyone should carry at least one light source.

■      By the end of the ride, the route will be completely dark

                 Please bring the family to the Light Night BIke Ride

●      We are opening this ride to current RAC members’ families.

●      If you think your other children, partner, in laws would enjoy this ride, please bring them. The more, the merrier.

●      Non registered attendees will be asked to sign a waiver.

●      Riders should be able to ride 5 miles. The one “hill” is a bridge.

●      RAC rules apply

●      Helmets required

●      Vests are not mandatory for family members.
We have a few loaner vests available


Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. Please forward this newsletter.


RAC Jerseys are now available for purchase

They are not required.

They run small.

Especially kids’ sizes should be ordered one size up

Future training ride dates are on the calendar on

●      And here RAC 22|23 training rides

 Homework: “power pedal” with your child.

○      Pedal at 10 or 2 o’clock.

○      Don’t start on the seat. Don’t stop on the  seat

Arrive at t 8:45 am

●      You need to unload and check your bike, check helmets, sign in etc.

●      You will be asked to read and sign the RAC Agreement Form

○      if you have not done so already

●      Always bring

○      helmet

○      water (your child should carry her/his own)

○      a snack

○      a vest with name tag .

Train with your child

●      The parent training with the child must be the person accompanying the child on the RAC.

●      The parent accompanying the child on the RAC must be the person training with the child.

●      A parent may not interrupt training for a few months and send the child with someone else during those months.

●      All riding parents and children must complete the requirements.

○      350 miles trained between September and April 10

○      At least one monthly training ride with us

■      including : One Safety Fun

●            Two Escondido Hill Rides (next year)


Splitting riding and chasing: If parents are taking turns riding and chasing, both parents must complete all RAC requirements.

The RAC this Week (Nov. 24)

Dear Parents


  1. RAC Jerseys are now available for purchase

They are not required.

They run small.

Especially kids’ sizes should be ordered one size up




  1. Bikes available

a) RAC alumnus parent Robin has two bike available. One

orange Specialized Crosstrail Sport size M with 27" wheels for a child. One adult bike.

Please contact Robin directly.

b) We also have another adult size Giant brand hybrid bike available. Let us know if you are interested.




  1. Our next rides

Sunday, November 27 at 9 am

The 56 Bike Path

YMCA Upper Parking Lot, 13195 Salmon River Rd, San Diego, CA 92129



Saturday, December 3 at 4 pm 

The Night Light Bike Ride

●      We decorate our bikes with lights and ride around Mission Bay in the dark.

●      Then we drink hot chocolate.

●      This ride does not count as a mandatory monthly ride

○      It is too easy at this point.

●      Possible light sources:

○      Battery operated holiday lights | Glow sticks | Bike light kits

○      For really cool inspirational pictures from previous years., click here

○      Everyone should carry at least one light source.

■      By the end of the ride, the route will be completely dark

                 Please bring the family to the Light Night BIke Ride

●      We are opening this ride to current RAC members’ families.

●      If you think your other children, partner, in laws would enjoy this ride, please bring them. The more, the merrier.

●      Non registered attendees will be asked to sign a waiver.

●      Riders should be able to ride 5 miles. The one “hill” is a bridge.

●      RAC rules apply

●      Helmets required

○      we have a few loaner vests available


Happy Thanksgiving. See you this weekend.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. Please forward this newsletter.


Future training ride dates are on the calendar on

●      And here RAC 22|23 training rides

 Homework: “power pedal” with your child.

○      Pedal at 10 or 2 o’clock.

○      Don’t start on the seat. Don’t stop on the  seat

The Monthly Ride: Beginning in October, you need to finish at least one training ride with us.

●      We offer at least four month.

●      Please plan accordingly.

●      We take attendance. 

Arrive at t 8:45 am

●      You need to unload and check your bike, check helmets, sign in etc.

●      You will be asked to read and sign the RAC Agreement Form

○      if you have not done so already

●      Always bring

○      helmet

○      water (your child should carry her/his own)

○      a snack

○      a vest with name tag .

Train with your child

●      The parent training with the child must be the person accompanying the child on the RAC.

●      The parent accompanying the child on the RAC must be the person training with the child.

●      A parent may not interrupt training for a few months and send the child with someone else during those months.

●      All riding parents and children must complete the requirements.

○      350 miles trained between September and April 10

○      At least one monthly training ride with us

■      including : One Safety Fun

●            Two Escondido Hill Rides (next year)


Splitting riding and chasing: If parents are taking turns riding and chasing, both parents must complete all RAC requirements.

The RAC this week (November 15th)

Dear Parents


  1. An important message from Youth Support Coordinator Jeff.


We were made aware of an interaction on the 11/11/22 Road to Riches Ride between a parent and a member of the Youth Support that was witnessed by an adult volunteer. A parent was displeased with a decision a Youth Support made at a regulated intersection, not allowing a child and parent pair to proceed through the intersection on a yellow light, and took it up with a member of the Youth Support.


It has been made clear in meetings that during the RAC, a yellow light at an intersection means stop. If you are in the intersection when it turns yellow, continue through the intersection. The reason for this is that new riders can be slow, and intersections can be wide.  As well, if we are crossing an intersection regulated by a walk signal, you may proceed on a flashing hand, but not on a solid hand. 


Youth Support are experienced and trained to err on the side of caution.  As such, they may ask you to stop in situations that you feel are safe (early yellow light, hand still flashing). Please defer to the YS decision.  This is for your safety and the safety of your child.  The RAC is intended to be fun, but it can't be fun if it isn't safe.


Please do not argue with a member of the Youth Support regarding RAC rules. If you have a question/concern, always take that up with an adult volunteer. They can respond to your question/concern or guide you to the appropriate person.





  1. We still need help with chase.. Chase parents (and any children that come with them) will receive a discount. Please contact Sabine at if you can help.


  1. Our next rides

Saturday, November 19 at 9 am

The 4 S Ranch Loop

12560 Senda Panacea | SD 92129 | Please park in the neighborhood.

This ride includes an optional visit to Starbucks.


Sunday, November 27 at 9 am

The 56 Bike Path



Saturday, December 3 at 4 pm 

The Night Light Bike Ride

●      We decorate our bikes with lights and ride around Mission Bay in the dark.

●      Then we drink hot chocolate.

●      This ride does not count as a mandatory monthly ride

○      It is too easy at this point.

●      Possible light sources:

○      Battery operated holiday lights | Glow sticks | Bike light kits

○      For really cool inspirational pictures from previous years., click here

○      Everyone should carry at least one light source.

■      By the end of the ride, the route will be completely dark

                 Please bring the family to the Light Night BIke Ride

●      We are opening this ride to current RAC members’ families.

●      If you think your other children, partner, in laws would enjoy this ride, please bring them. The more, the merrier.

●      Non registered attendees will be asked to sign a waiver.

●      Riders should be able to ride 5 miles. The one “hill” is a bridge.

●      RAC rules apply

●      Helmets required

○      we have a few loaner vests available



  1. Thank you, Jennifer, for this great picture.


See you this weekend.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. Please forward this newsletter.


Future training ride dates are on the calendar on

●      And here RAC 22|23 training rides

 Homework: “power pedal” with your child.

○      Pedal at 10 or 2 o’clock.

○      Don’t start on the seat. Don’t stop on the  seat

The Monthly Ride: Beginning in October, you need to finish at least one training ride with us.

●      We offer at least four month.

●      Please plan accordingly.

●      We take attendance. 

Arrive at t 8:45 am

●      You need to unload and check your bike, check helmets, sign in etc.

●      You will be asked to read and sign the RAC Agreement Form

○      if you have not done so already

●      Always bring

○      helmet

○      water (your child should carry her/his own)

○      a snack

○      a vest with name tag .

Train with your child

●      The parent training with the child must be the person accompanying the child on the RAC.

●      The parent accompanying the child on the RAC must be the person training with the child.

●      A parent may not interrupt training for a few months and send the child with someone else during those months.

●      All riding parents and children must complete the requirements.

○      350 miles trained between September and April 10

○      At least one monthly training ride with us

■      including : One Safety Fun

●            Two Escondido Hill Rides (next year)


Splitting riding and chasing: If parents are taking turns riding and chasing, both parents must complete all RAC requirements.

The RAC this Week (November 8th)

Dear Parents


A Round of Applause for Rex and Marco 

who completed six training rides in October.

Way to go! We are impressed.



Thank you for coming to the Fundraiser at Rubio’s.


30% ($364.50) of all purchase went to benefit the RAC. We appreciate your help, and it was great seeing you.



About estimate training ride times

On the website under Calendar, you will find a bunch of helpful stuff, including “length of training rides.”

Will 15 miles really take 6 hours? No.

When we estimate training ride duration, we err on the side of caution. We don’t want to suggest a finish time,  and then we are wrong and you to have to rush to you next appointment  because we said you’d be done by noon and you are not.


Many variables determine training ride duration.


■      The larger the group, the slower our exit from the parking lot

■      The warmer the weather, the slower the riders

■      The steeper the hills, the slower the riders

■      The larger the group, the longer the regroups


●      We regroup =  the front waits for the back to come in

○      typically early in the ride

○      because we are a community event

○      we encourage you to use this time to meet other parents/kids


■      “I need to leave the group early. My child has soccer at noon.”                  

Please don’t plan any other event too close to the RAC.

●      The RAC is a time commitment

●      The RAC is not something you squeeze in

●      Your ‘mandatory ride with us” counts for COMPLETED rides only. 


            Why are we so picky?  The more you train with us, the safer we are.


Because you asked

Where do I start a right turn?


You are about to turn right.  There is a bike lane going straight.  The is a right turn lane turning right. Where do you go???

 Do you 


●      stay in the bike lane

●      proceed to the intersection

●      scan

●      make a right turn from the bike lane

●      cross the right turn lane?


or B

●      scan

●      merge into the right lane

●      make the right turn from the right lane


  The correct answer is …..

B. You knew it.

Cutting across a right turn lane creates confusion for motorists and other cyclists behind you. And our goal is predicability =  safety.

Thank you for your questions. They are very helpful.


Because you asked

Can the kid join a training ride when the parent can’t.

            Yes. Please let us know ahead of time so that we have a volunteer ready to ride with your child.

Can the parent join when the kid can’t?

            Yes. And we might just put you to work. 🙂



Our next rides

Friday, November 11 at 9 am

The Road to Riches

Mesa Verde Middle School | 8375 Entreken Way | SD 92129

●     Mile 5.1 is the beginning of a steep, ½ mile long uphill on a dirt road.

○      Most of us don’t have the gears or tires for this kind of terrain, so

○      feel free to walk up the hill

○      No need to single file as you walk up the hill. 🙂

●     Mile 6.8: Welcome to Hootersville, Del Mar Mesa’s very own farm

○      Goats Lenny and Squiggy are friendly and love carrots and apples.

○      Please bring carrots and apples.

○      The owners kindly ask that we don’t overfeed their goats.


Sunday, November 13 at 9 am

The UCSD Art Loop is a fun one. But aren’t they all.

Sorrento Valley Park And Ride | 12791 Sorrento Valley Rd | SD 92121

●      We climb Torrey Pines via the outside route.

○      Even though there is a double bike path, we single file.

○      Please encourage your child to “hamster.”

●      Stay in your saddle. Use low gears.

■      The goal: to reach the top without having to stop.

■      If you have to stop, please move to the right so others can pass you.

●      On UCSDs campus, we

■      regroup at the Sun God and take a picture.  It’s tradition.

■      ride through the Talking Trees (though they are usually quiet on weekends)

■      pass The Fallen Star (currently closed but really fun for the kids when it reopens)

■      and pedal past the Bear.

●      Click on the links for more info.

●      Mile 9.3: Please stay in front of your child to control his/her speed as we descend Torrey Pines.



Looking ahead to future rides

Saturday, December 3 at 4 pm 

The Night Light Bike Ride

●      We decorate our bikes with lights and ride around Mission Bay in the dark.

●      Then we drink hot chocolate.

●      This ride does not count as a mandatory monthly ride

○      It is too easy at this point.

●      Possible light sources:

○      Battery operated holiday lights | Glow sticks | Bike light kits

○      For really cool inspirational pictures from previous years., click here

○      Everyone should carry at least one light source.

■      By the end of the ride, the route will be completely dark

                 Please bring the family to the Light Night BIke Ride

●      We are opening this ride to current RAC members’ families.

●      If you think your other children, partner, in laws would enjoy this ride, please bring them. The more, the merrier.

●      Non registered attendees will be asked to sign a waiver.

●      Riders should be able to ride 5 miles. The one “hill” is a bridge.

●      RAC rules apply

●      Helmets required

○      we have a few loaner vests available



Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.  Enjoy the rain.

Your friendly RAC volunteer team

Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kristen | Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine and co-founder Dennis



You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures and announcements and for sharing all information with your family. Please forward this newsletter.


Future training ride dates are on the calendar on

●      And here RAC 22|23 training rides

 Homework: “power pedal” with your child.

○      Pedal at 10 or 2 o’clock.

○      Don’t start on the seat. Don’t stop on the  seat

The Monthly Ride: Beginning in October, you need to finish at least one training ride with us.

●      We offer at least four month.

●      Please plan accordingly.

●      We take attendance. 

Arrive at t 8:45 am

●      You need to unload and check your bike, check helmets, sign in etc.

●      You will be asked to read and sign the RAC Agreement Form

○      if you have not done so already

●      Always bring

○      helmet

○      water (your child should carry her/his own)

○      a snack

○      a vest with name tag .

Train with your child

●      The parent training with the child must be the person accompanying the child on the RAC.

●      The parent accompanying the child on the RAC must be the person training with the child.

●      A parent may not interrupt training for a few months and send the child with someone else during those months.

●      All riding parents and children must complete the requirements.

○      350 miles trained between September and April 10

○      At least one monthly training ride with us

■      including : One Safety Fun

●            Two Escondido Hill Rides (next year)


Splitting riding and chasing: If parents are taking turns riding and chasing, both parents must complete all RAC requirements.