Dear Parents
Saturday’s line of riders
Sunday’s group from Allison to Zander
Fun times. Thank you for coming.
If you missed Sunday’s pre-ride announcements.
● Do not allow your child to speed up when another rider is passing her/him.
● By speeding up, your child has now made it harder for the passing rider to merge back into the line of cyclists.
● Speeding up while being passed is extremely unsafe.
● If you see this behavior, please let us know.
Four friendly reminders
1. Please bring two tubes per bike. Why? Ask Bob or Sumant. :)
2. Do not carry your child’s water.
○ Your kids need to carry their own water.
○ They need to drink while they are riding.
○ A hydration pack is the best option
○ Get them used to a hydration back now.
○ Hydration on the RAC is different from hydration in San Diego.
○ On the RAC, you won’t sweat. The air is that dry.
○ You dehydrate just standing around.
○ You won’t feel that you need to drink, but you have to
○ “Drink before you are thirsty” is the rule
○ Your children need to drink all the time, all day long.
○ For your children to drink all day long, it has to be easy for them.
○ Stopping, getting off the bike, digging the water out of the parent’s backpack, putting the bottle back, putting vests back on … is annoying …. and makes the day longer
○ We want you in camp as soon as possible because often the winds pick up in the late afternoons.
○ We would like to avoid the winds if we can.
3. Stay seated while riding. Do not stand up.
○ Standing up is often a sign that your child’s seat needs to be raised
○ We want your child to practice shifting, especially on uphills. Standing might make sense on short hills, but we are practicing for long hills. The Banner Grade is six miles long.
○ Your standing up makes it very hard for people to ride behind you.
○ (A quick stand-up to stretch or to rearrange one’s underwear is perfectly acceptable.)
4. You need to ride with your child.
The faster rider waits for the slower one.
Bob's Bike Tune-Up Details | Please contact Bob directly at
The deadline for the T-shirt design contest has been moved up to February 15.
Here are the RAC T-shirt design contest guidelines
Please encourage your child to participate.
For an additional 40% off the Columbia Sportswear Company employee store pricing, Click here
Our next ride.
Saturday, Jan 28 at 9 am
Sorrento Valley Park And Ride | 12791 Sorrento Valley Rd | San Diego 92121
This ride includes an optional snack stop at In n Out and is very popular with the kids.
Upcoming dates
The RAC meeting on Feb 2 has been canceled.
There is a mandatory RAC meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 7 pm at Design 39
RAC reunion and potluck: Tuesday, May 2nd at Design 39
Food, pictures, certificates. By then, you will have missed us
Fun list of alternative bike part names the kids came up with during Saturday’s regroup:
bike = “Watch me go”
brakes = stoppers
chain = the linky dinky
chain wheel = big circle
derailleur = small spinner
fame = triangle thingy
fork = not the spoon
handlebars = grippers
pedals = foot pushers
saddle= butt rest
saddle bag = butt rest storage
shifters = pressy buttons
tube = the endless straw
wheel = spinning pies
Our next fundraiser: Fresh Brothers Pizza Carmel Valley on Tuesday, February 7. Exact time TBA
Thank you for reading.
Your friendly RAC volunteer team
Abhi | Ana | Bill | Bob | Christiane | Frans | Hannah | James | Jeff | Joel | Julie | Kate | Kirsten| Kumar | Mani | Olav |Robert | Sabine, and co-founder Dennis
You are responsible for knowing RAC rules, procedures, and announcements and for sharing all information with your family.
You are responsible for reading all weekly newsletters.